Mexican linguistics: including Nauatl or Mexican in Aryan phonology; The primitive Aryans of America; A Mexican-Aryan comparative vocabulary; Morphology and the Mexican verb; and The Mexican-Aryan sibilants; with an appendix on comparative syntax;
Thomas S. (Thomas Stewart) Denison, H. W. (Herbert William) Magoun, University Of California Libraries
Mexican linguistics: including Nauatl or Mexican in Aryan phonology; The primitive Aryans of America; A Mexican-Aryan comparative vocabulary; Morphology and the Mexican verb; and The Mexican-Aryan sibilants; with an appendix on comparative syntax;
Thomas S. (Thomas Stewart) Denison, H. W. (Herbert William) Magoun, University Of California Libraries
468 pages
Théorie analytique des probabilités
Ve. (1820) Bkp Cu-Banc Courcier, University Of California Libraries, Pierre-Simon Laplace
An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics, with applications to problems in mathematical physics
University Of California Libraries, William Elwood Byerly
Coal men of America, a biographical and historical review of the world's greatest industry
Sydney A. Hale, Arthur M. Hull, University Of California Libraries
Theological and Semitic literature for the year[s] 1898-[1901] a supplement to the American journal of theology and the American journal of Semitic languages and literatures
William Muss-Arnolt, University Of California Libraries
Specimens of printing types : ornaments, borders, corners, rules, emblems, initials, &c.
Smiths & Jordan Co Mackellar, University Of California Libraries
The Indian calendar, with tables for the conversion of Hindu and Muhammadan into A.D. dates, and vice versa
Robert Gustav Schram, Sankara Balakrshna Dikshita, Robert Sewell, University Of California Libraries
Birmingham. History and general directory of the borough of Birmingham, with the remainder of the parish of Aston ... being part of a general history and directory of the county of Warwick ..
Francis White, University Of California Libraries
Bibliotheca americana vetustissima. A description of works relating to America, published between 1492 and 1551
Henry Harrisse, University Of California Libraries
Fabulae Aesopi selectae or, Select fables of Aesop : with an English translation, more literal than any yet extant, designed for the readier instruction of beginners in the Latin tongue
H Clarke, University Of California Libraries
The beverages of the Chinese; Kung-fu; or, Tauist medical gymnastics; the population of China; a modern Chinese anatomist; and a chapter in Chinese surgery
John Dudgeon, University Of California Libraries
The Preston and Virginia papers of the Draper collection of manuscripts
State Historical Society Of Wisconsin. Library, Mabel Clare Weaks, University Of California Libraries, Lyman Copeland Draper
Traité des maladies des yeux et des oreilles : considérées sous le rapport des quatre parties ou quatre ages de la vie de l'homme : avec les remédes curatifs, & les moyens propres à les préserver des accidens : avec planches gravées en taille-douce
M. L'Abbé Desmonceaux, University Of California Libraries
Traité des maladies des yeux et des oreilles : considérées sous le rapport des quatre parties ou quatre ages de la vie de l'homme : avec les remédes curatifs, & les moyens propres à les préserver des accidens : avec planches gravées en taille-douce
M. L'Abbé Desmonceaux, University Of California Libraries
520 pages
A list of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress, with bibliographical notes
Library Of Congress. Map Division, Philip Lee Phillips, Clara Egli Le Gear, Library Of Congress. Geography And Map Division, University Of California Libraries
How to know period styles in furniture; a brief history of furniture from the days of ancient Egypt to the present time
William Lowing Kimerly, University Of California Libraries