THEBEVERAGES OF THE CHINESEKUNG-FUORTAUIST MEDICAL GYMNASTICSTHE POPULATION OF CHINA*A MODERN CHINESE ANATOMISTANDA CHAPTER IN CHINESE SURGERYBYJOHN DUDGEON, M.D., C.M.,PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY,fIMPERIAL COLLEGE PEKING.(T UNG-WEN-KUAN),&C.&C., &C.,TIENTSIN.THE TIENTSIN PRESS.BEVERAGESTHEOFTHE CHINESE,BYC.M.JOHN M.D.,DUDGEON, fromThe first use of tea as a China datesbeveragethe commencement of the Sui dynasty (589 A.D.).(pff)Previous to this it used as ato have beenappearsand is said to be mentioned in Shenmedicine, Xung'sbefore theAccount someofAliments, 3,000 years( Jfl$ ;H )our is ascribed toof era. some itsbeginning By originnotice in the After Han dynastyImperial (^| ^|)It is recorded of one of the Heroes of(221-265 A.D.).madethe Three that heKingdoms (about 221-263 A.D.)liis drink not less than seven of wine,guests pintsmorebut that a certain officer who could not drinkhavethan three .of as a favour was allowed topints wine,tea him in the of wine. Menciussecretly given placer in"In summer cold w ater was used(368-321 B.C.) saysin water" from which it bedrinking; winter, boiling mayinferred teathat was not then used. The use of tea,in the Sui in thebegun dynasty, gained reputation duringand was abundant in thatT'ang 620-907 A.D.,(Hf),of the esteemed andSung 9/0-1280 A.D., being(^),used It is stated that a on tea in theeverywhere. dutyto such an extent had itsT'ang dynasty, consumptionwas levied in the A ...