^^^MV^?''i;';-^- X'^f^i-i .,Volume 77MiLX AndrewsUniversity of California, Los Angeles308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, 90024CA825-2640(310)Copyright 1996 by the ASUCLA© Communications BoardTable Contents^ rofPrologue16 *CxPeopleEventsResidential LifeLifeApartment136GraduatesSportsGreekst 336OrganizationsEpilogueAdsi—Iiilut^mtitM-mmmMmm*am1i^\ \ \1n Miflielle ChiUlg• Prologue4»Midifllt:' C;hang Prologue>5. I% iMicliflie Cliaiiij•6 PrologueMu/hvlK-ci •Prologue 7s%•h> 8 PrologueMiflielK" CluingProlopEric Mill)•10 ProloguePrc)lo(i,L\ Aiiilrfws•^M2 Prolog osiieKick AkersiEm M.I' ' •14 PrologueEric Muti•16 People£pHousesCoffee 18Farmer's Market 20V24Westwood Plaza Concerts30Volunteer Service]Awaken Acapella 36\42Bruce BarbeeBruin Life•People 1lam NgiiN'ehas iil\\a\scoffee been a fa\orite hangout for UCLAWtstwoodstudents, and the recent surge in popularit)' of coffeehouses gave new life to the area. Students under thedrinking age were, of course, unable visitto some of the morepopular likespots Maloneij's Bar. So, the coffee houses providedthese students with an equally appealing alternative, by offering avarieh" of entertainment for the vounger crowd.In the coffee houses \Veshvood,of students can view arte.xhibits of local talents, ranging from canvas painting tophotograph\\ The latest popular and experimental music were"For only theoften piped into such places as die Gypsy Cafe on Bro.xton Avenue ...