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A and HistoricalBiographical
Review of the World's Great-
est Industry.
Arthur M. Hull,
A. Hale.Sydney
Associate Editor
1918Copyright, 1918, by
The Retail Coalman, Inc.,
All reserved.rights
HE of ofHISTORY of a is the its the individuals whocountry history people,
constitute its In like the of ofmanner, movement,citizenship. history any any
of is the the ofinstitution, great history comprising-any industry, biography
lives identified therewith.the men w^hose are intimately
The of coal which is the of a most wonderful industrial de-the trade,history history
is the of the men whose shoulders have been bornevelopment, upondistinctively history
the burdens and whose brows have rested the victories and the successes incident toupon
that wonderful commercial expansion.
It is that from the unknown of the coal tradefitting conspicuous pages history
should be and collected in form as a memorial to that as a recordtrade,garnered permanent
of the achievements of its master and of the service which has been con-minds, worthy
tributed to the the business men who have the variousdeveloped miningindustry by
and those who have devised and conducted the methods of distributionfields, splendid
inthat are operation.
Within of men who are now in the coal thisthe engaged trade, industrymemory
atten-has from small and to a that arrests thevolume, bounds,grown leaps magnitudeby
Modern civilization strive intion and commands the of the entire world. wouldrespect
vain to of human so or one more essential to humananother era stupendousproduce activity
in con-existence than that of the coal trade. the men of are such closeWe, coal today,
realizedtact with this wondrous that its marvelous isdevelopment growth inadequately
Before the of coal men retire from the of himianpresent stage activity,generation
a record of what have should be inscribed on the ofthey accomplished pages history.
is of this It is to show the lives ofThe nature.present undertaking proposed by
men how one coal field after another was how the streams of com-discovered,great mighty
fab-merce all bounds and and how theexpanded incessantly beyond expectations, splendid
ric of andand distribution took shapetransportation grew.
It is a wonderful of mosaic work of which the lives of coal men form its units,piece
and must ofin its whole a vision that should be whichconstituting composite imperishable
added charm as the into the of time.be mellowed withnecessity years lengthen cycles
little realizes\HE the amount of work and tedious detail con-layman
nected with the of a book of the size and of "Coalcompilation scopeI
Men of America." The editor and his associates have devoted the
of their time for three in andmajor portion nearly years gathering
the information. It has been their sole aim topreparing necessary
it as and accurate as but their efforts have been seri-make complete possible,
the conditions and troublous times ofously handicapped by rapidly changing
the two which have so abnormal demands thepast years brought many upon
time and attention of in the coaleveryone engaged industry.
be toIt would a book of the character of "Coal Menimpossible compile
theof America" without and cordial andactive, hearty support co-operation
of The editor far better than the debt ofelse,many. realizes, anyone grati-
tude he owes to all of those who have assisted him in the andenterprise
to make the data of the thousands of coal menhelped biographical represented
accurate and authentic.
The historical and the matter to the coalintroductory pertainingpart
in various states has been A. editor ofthe written Hale,by Sydneyindustry
Trade who has much and tothe New York Coal Journal, given thought study
the facts and this of the work will be valuablestated, part especiallyverifying
for reference for to come.many years
inFor the illustrations we are indebted to all sec-many photographers
tions of the and a list of those who made the reproductionscountry, complete
on anotherof so likenesses will be foundpossible page.manyPREFACE
X Men of to the the"Coal America" havepresenting public publishers attempted
to make a contribution of more than value to the of the coalpassing- history
official or even the bare records of businessStatistics, otherwise,industry.
exist in sufficient detail to constitute a chronicle of thetransactions, complete
or has been in formbut littleitself,industry nothing- placed permanent regard-
the men who have done the the human element which has been thework, actuallying
are indeed the which has itfactor in its animatedgreatest accomplishment. They spirit
and their names should be in connection with itsperpetuated story.throughout,
inAs an accurate and reliable record of the which these men have thepart played
relations with we believe this volume to becoal their it,business, registering personal
in and to an historical value and which will increasepossess importanceimique purpose,
link between the and future. The accountwith the of anpassing time, enduring present
the services which have rendered in what has come to be as the world'sof recognizedthey
authentic information isif not noted while available,adequately easilygreatest industry,
andof achievements bulked underinto the mass statistics,impersonalmay readily slip
attaches to Toolose forever the interest whichvitalizing always biographical history.
than tradition when we are for this class ofoften we find more reliable searchingnothing
to meet a demand now consideredand this work was therefore prac-information, designed
verified data whose immediate wortha in field, is-appar-tically necessity every presenting
far its future value.butent, surpassed by
in these with statisticsSeveral thousand coal men are pages, togetherrepresented
another desirableinterest to reader. The constituteof and portraitsimportance every
effort to insure correctness in both historicalfeature. The editor has made a conscientious
would havelatter considerable information whichand thematter,biographical embodying
with which this work has been donebeen in no other The thoroughnesspreserved way.
of a real addition to theshould commend it to all as a valuable work reference, bibliog-
coalof theraphy industry.
in of the work andMuch care has been taken the every opportunitycompilation
in what has been written.to to insure correctnessthosepossible given represented
this volume.sketches of will be missed inThe faces of andsome, biographical many
of the work,not to blame. Not aFor this the are conceptionhaving properpublishers
were in-to a while othersrefused to the information sketch,some give necessary compile
in data asked for.and to send thedifferent, neglected
into us so leadersthe cordialwe given by manyHowever, co-operationappreciate
a andof America" willthe trade and are confident that "Coal Men interestingprove highly
with the coalto who is connectedvaluable reference work evervone industry.Business anpossesses
added whenpleasure
it forms friend-lasting
that are built onships
mutual confidence."