LIBRARYTAT TBACHCNB OOl_LANTA BARBARA. CALIFORNIALIBRARYI'A2TO KNOWHOWPERIOD STYLESIN FURNITUREA of FurnitureBrief Historyfrom the of AncientDaysto the Present Time,EgyptIllustrated with over 300and a BriefTypical Examplesof Each PeriodDescriptionW. L. KIMERLYBySTATE NOffiAL SCH00LMANUAL ARTS Af'D H6KESANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA1912GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE RECORD CO.Grand Rapids, MichiganCopyright, 1912,W. L. Grand Mich.By Kimerly, Rapids,Copyright, 1912,The Grand Furniture Record Co.By RapidsGrand Mich.Rapids,OF BOOKTHE OBJECT THISfurniture areMost books onpublishedtoo voluminous for one theany exceptof them areprofessional designer. Manyin a and are invari-foreign language theyinably high price.It is the of this book toobject arrangein a a briefclear, historypractical way,of same withfurniture, illustrating typicalof each and a briefexamples periodof so as to aeach,description produceCOreference for all who wish tohandy mayunderstand "Period in Furniture."StylesL. KIMERLY.W.March 1912.1,PREFACEA in furniture is asof necessaryknowledge period stylesato those who would furnish a home asproperly knowledgeof is to those who would Allgrammar speak correctly.have a and anperiod styles history exceedingly interestingone. The historical in furniture are those that havestylesstood the test of were not created in a buttime; they day,were to fit the needs of civilization andgradually developeda in or has beensociety; religion ...