288. Select Fables of with an Trans-"TABLES. JEsop, English-T more Literal than extant. H. Clarke.lation any ByyetFirst Boston Edition. muslin. Bost.i2mo, 1787/6 //oH ooD* rt O CH- Oco sft)COOuH. pgrt 3 H CDH' e P- oO (Dp t-oo*o n-OO R,Seleft FABLES of^SOP5WITHAn TRANSLATION,EnglijhMore LITERAL than extant,any yetfor the Readier INSTRUCTIONDefignedof BEGINNERS in the Latin 'Tongue.H. CLARKE,ByTEACHER of the LATIN LANGUAGE.The FIRST BOSTON from a of the lateltEDITION," CopyinEdition LONDON.printedBOSTON:Printed SAMUEL in State-Street.by HALL,1787,tPREFACE.hath confidered theduly greatthere is in our firflWHOEVERDifficulty encounteringwith the Idioms of the Latin the ofTongue, Varietywhich will fometimes anfwer to oneEnglijh Words,Latin whichwith the Miftakes rnuftone, many Boyscannotbe liable who formto,naturally immediatelyof the whichtolerableany Judgment Thing Theyare in muft in fome bej Meafure,engaged furely,to that the ex-brought acknowledge, having Thingsand cleared to thejr asplained up Underftandings,is the bed and Means ofmak-They go along, onlyThem and defirous to learn. Anding eager here,It be fomewhat ofa toreal throwperhaps, may Helpthe into a more and to de-yet eafyLanguage Light,fcend a little than Others have hitherto fub-lower,mitted Themfelves I will not refufe totqj^Forthat I am the Fear of too aown, apprehenfive, greatBaldnefs in the Tranflation hath deterred even Thofe,who have carried this ...