THE OEDIPUS TYRANNUSOFSOPHOCLESPRESSUNIVERSITYCAMBRIDGEMANAGERC. F. CLAY,E.G.: FETTER LANE, 4LONDON: THE MACMILLAN CO.NEWYORK\BOMBAYAND LTD.LMACMILLAN CO.,CALCUTTAMADRAS )CO. OF: THE MACMILLANTORONTOLTD.CANADA,MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHATOKYO:ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDTHE OEDIPUS TYRANNUSOFSOPHOCLESTRANSLATED AND EXPLAINEDBYT. M.A.SHEPPARD,J.FELLOW OF KING'S CAMBRIDGECOLLEGE,CAMBRIDGEAT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS1920ToT.C. F.THE PREFACEOFSUMMARYINTRODUCTIONANDPAGEPREFACEsensationalism ofof the theThe moral of three Oedipus:performances: the artof theReinhardt : the restraint Cambridge performanceProfessorand TheThe aim of this translation commentary.M.of Mounet-Sully.: the: ormodern tragedy theoryof the tragic justiceinterpreterscontroversyscene : theof the Creonirrelevant chorus : the generalof the importance'intolerable' end.'sin' of theof the theeffect Oedipus:lyrics:INTRODUCTIONxvOFTHEAUDIENCEI. THE PREPARATIONCHAPTERthe re-the outline the detailThe of familiar, vague:Oedipus:legendof theof the riddle: the Thebanminiscences trilogy Aeschylus:epic:the and its to theevil : the first scene ofinherited Septem, analogy openingand the self-the of words'scene of the Oedipus: importance 'goodmoralof Eteocles recalled in our : theabandonment contrast, analogousplayand the the contrast between the Electro,. . xxivII. THE INNOCENCE OF OEDIPUSCHAPTERand : the taint ofthat he is infectious bloodshed,pollutedOedipus recognisesincest ...