BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA VETUSTISSIMA.\IAmericana Setusttsstma3Stfoiioti)ecaDESCRIPTION OF WORKSRELATING TOAMERICAPUBLISHED BETWEEN THE TEJRS2 andi49doit auoir cette au choix detconfederationde ils leses, J font premiersrcgardcr qult e la matiere deeft compofe* fur laquelledeill t la doElrint desraifient, eftfarce quilhorn de l eaumes comme iamaisy n"eftqui pluthelh claire& nette, plus plus yu afafourcc.G. Advis dreffer vneNAUDE, povrBibliotheqve; pp. 48-49.GEO. P. PUBLISHER swPHILES,MDCCCLXVIIN ROYALCOPIES PRINTED OCTAVO,HUNDREDFOURINCOPIES PRINTED QUARTO,NINETY-NINEPAPERON HOLLANDINCOPIES PRINTED OJJARTOTENPRIVATELATTER FOR DISTRIBUTION).(THENo. 2,04to Act of in theEntered Congress, year 1866, byaccordingHENRY HARRISSE,for the Northerns Office of the District Court of the United StatesIn the Clerk ofNew York.BRADSTREET NEW YOKK.PRESS,L. M. BARLOWSAMUELOF NEW YORKTHIS UNDERTAKEN AT HIS SUGGESTION,WORK,IS DEDICATED BY HIS FRIENDHENRY HARRISSEINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION.Artts inetfcientitf confiftunt libris, quorumemolumenta nulla metis enarrarc.fufficcrttR. DE xv.Philobiblion,BURY, cap.I.inHE true scholarspracticed by everyabnegationbranch of is one of the most interestknowledgethe in which weand features ofstriking ageingWith the more and morelive. recognition dailytheabsolute of the of sciences,inter-dependencecome to be the test of scholastic worth andthis hasabnegationloyalty.factAs Herbert it,Spencer ...