^ kTHEINDIAN CALENDARTHEINDIAN CALENDARCONVERSIONWITH TABLES FOR THE OF HINDU ANDMUHAMMADAN INTO A.D. DATES, AND VICE VERSAROBERT SEWELLLate Her Majesty's Indian Civil Service,ofSANKARA BALKRISHNA DIKSHITTraitiing College, Poona.INDIAWITH TABLES OF ECLIPSES VISIBLE INBYDr. ROBERT SCHRAMVienna.OfLONDONLtd.SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & Co.,SquarePaternoster^ENTlt.'XPrinted al the Motley J^ess, Amsterdam.;PREFACE.for the use, only of those engagedThis Volume is designed not in the decyphermentof Indian inscriptions the compilation of Indian history, but also ofand Judicial Courts andGovernment Ofifices in India. Documents bearing dates prior to those given in any existingalmanack are often produced before Courts of Justice as evidence of title ; and since forgeries,many of them of great antiquity, abound, it is necessary to have at hand means for testingand verifying the authenticity of these exhibits. Within the last ten years much light has beenthrown on the subject of the Indian methods of time-reckoning by the pubHcations of ProfessorDr. Schram, Professor Kielhorn, Dr. Fleet, Pandit SahkaraJacobi, Balkrishna Dikshit, and othersbut these, having only in scientific periodicals, are not readily accessible officialsappeared to inIndia. The Government of Madras, therefore, desiring to have a summary of the subject withTables for ready reference, requested me to undertake the work. In process of time the schemewas widened, and in its present shape ...