Keltische Studien, oder Untersuchungen über das Wesen und die Entstehung der griechischen Sprache, Mythologie und Philosophie vermittelst der keltischen Dialecte
N Sparschuh, Robarts - University Of Toronto
El teatro de D'Annunzio : estudio crítico, leído en el Ateneo de Madrid, el 20 de Abril de 1907
Alvaro Alcalá Galiano, Robarts - University Of Toronto
Catalogues of the drawings, prints and photographs in the Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects, complete to end of the session 1870-71
Royal Institute Of British Architects. Library, Robarts - University Of Toronto
Manuel de prononciation. Nouvelle éd. rev. et corrigée, augmentée d'une préf. de Édouard Thierry
Jeanne Tordeus, Robarts - University Of Toronto
Discours de la servitude volontaire : suivie du Mémoire touchant l'édit de janvier 1562 [inédit] et d'une lettre de M. le conseiller de Montaigne
Estienne De La Boétie, Robarts - University Of Toronto
La défense de Tartufe; extases, remords, visions, prières, poèmes et méditations d'un juif converti
Jacob Max, Robarts - University Of Toronto
The Babur-nama in English (Memoirs of Babur)
Annette Susannah Beveridge, Emperor Of Hindustan Babur, Robarts - University Of Toronto
The soldier's service dictionary of English and French terms : embracing 10,000 miliatary, naval, aeronautical, aviation, and conversational words and phrases used by the Belgian, British, and French armies, with their French armes, with their French equivalents carefully pronounced, the whole arranged in one alphabetical order, designed especially for instant use in the United States service
Frank H. Vizetelly, Robarts - University Of Toronto
The soldier's service dictionary of English and French terms : embracing 10,000 miliatary, naval, aeronautical, aviation, and conversational words and phrases used by the Belgian, British, and French armies, with their French armes, with their French equivalents carefully pronounced, the whole arranged in one alphabetical order, designed especially for instant use in the United States service
Frank H. Vizetelly, Robarts - University Of Toronto
216 pages
In memoriam by Alfred lord Tennyson; edited with notes
Robarts - University Of Toronto, Alfred Tennyson Tennyson, W. J. (William James) Rolfe
Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes ou relatifs aux Arabes, publiés dans l'Europe chrétienne de 1810 à 1885
Christian Friedrich Von Schnurrer, Victor Charles Chauvin, Robarts - University Of Toronto
Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français
Société De L'Histoire Du Protestantisme Français (France), Robarts - University Of Toronto