.y- HisAWRIGHT &GEORGE Co.,E.G.Victoria155 St., London,QueenMantel 3 15Register, complete,Without Overmantel .. ..350Oak Grate with Tiles. Oak with Grate.Chimneypiece, Copper Chimneypiece CopperMantel with Brick Back andRegisterSunk Fire 326Fine Cast Curb .126a? Co.STRODEESTABLISHED FOR NEARLY A CENTURY.SPECIALISTS FOR&LIGHTING, HEATING VENTILATIONWRITE FORA few of the recent works1902 importantCATALOGUEScarried out or in progress byOFSTRODE & CO.ELECTRICLIGHTINGELECTRIC LIGHTING. HEATING.PLANTBritannia Naval Dartmouth. New Naval Chatham.College, Hospital,ELECTRIC Christ's Horsham.Schools, MasonicHospital Schools, Bushey.LIGHT Schools for the Leatherhead. Green Dartford.Blind, Joyce Hospital,E.G. Brentford Union.FITTINGS House, London,SalisburyLeicester London WallHotel, Estate.Queen's Square.ACETYLENE Camden Town Theatre. for theSchools Leatherhead.Blind,GAS South Foreland St. Welsbach NewHouse, Margaret's Bay. Company's Eactory.GENERATORS Walmer Kent. Street.House,Lodge, Regent RegentMelton St. Ermin's Westminster.ijtapleford Park, Mowbray. Hotel,ACETYLENETowcester. Hants.Whittlebury Park, Embly Park, Romsey,GASFITTINGSACETYLENE GAS. VENTILATION.HEATINGAPPARATUS Church of Soldiers' Institute. Cafe Royal.EnglandETC. Plain. Messrs. New Premises.RADIATORS, Bulford Camp, Salisbury Whiteley'sWelsbach NewHouse, Company's Factory.Nanpantan Loughboro.VENTILATINGLowndes London. StelliteStreet, Works, Aston, Birmingham ...