5945CATALOGUESOP THEANDFEINTS PHOTOGRAPHSDRAWINGS,IN THE LIBRARYOF THEROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS,COMPLETE TO END OF THE SESSION 1870-71.USUI DECORI DEBIUM.CFVIUM,LONDON :PUBLISHED AT THE ROOMS OF THE CONDUIT HANOVER W.INSTITUTE, 9, STREET, SQUARE,1871.LONDON :LONG ACRE.DRYDEN PRESS: DAVY ANDJ. SONS, 137,RarLIBRARY739192TORONTOUNIVERSITY OFof the Books inN ADDITION to the the of theCatalogues Libraryprinted RoyalInstitute of British the Council have now the of to theArchitects, pleasure presentingMembers a andof the Architectural ofCatalogue Drawings, Engravings, Photographs,executed and a second theworks; comprising Projects,Catalogue, Designs, Figureall in the but ofincluded theSubjects, Ornaments, &c., secondary, important portionas accessible forcollection of the and thus rendered reference as thegeneral Institute,Books.The collection includes and Prints from the andPhotographs designs buildingsexecuted members of the Institute. It is that other members willby many hopedcontribute similar , of time the series aso that in course becomeillustrations, mayand record of their exertions.complete interesting professionalThe first contains the under the name of theCatalogue subjects (executed works)or in which are in the second the aresituated;place country Catalogue designstheyunder the name of unknown whether some ofthe it the worksplaced designer, beinghave been carried out or not. Information on this is desired the ...