Price 25 Cents/''*'r THETeTBUIEAllAIACIE TRIBUNC QUILOINC.AND POLITICAL REGISTER1878.EiDVs^A-Rr> i^oi»iiERsoasr, etditor.For ContentH and Index, see tlic other side of x\k\n pase.THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION,NEW-YORK.J... . !, 1TABLEOF CONTENTSANDGENERAL INDEX.Abstract of Public :Principal Departmental Customs Receipts at allLaws 15-17 Officers, U. S Ports. U.S 53Conatitutioual Amend- Iron :;6 Executive ai.d Diplo-and Stei I Tables...mentsin the States....17-22 Foreign Trade of U. S...37-38 matic Officers 54Party Platform.s 22 28 Revenue and Expend! List of XLVth CongressPres.Hayes's Inaugural. 55-6028-30, tures and CommitteesPresident Hayes'.j Civil iList of Appropriations.. 40 Popular Vote for Presi-Service Or