Tribune Almanach








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Price 25 Cents/''*'r THETeTBUIEAllAIACIE TRIBUNC QUILOINC.AND POLITICAL REGISTER1878.EiDVs^A-Rr> i^oi»iiERsoasr, etditor.For ContentH and Index, see tlic other side of x\k\n pase.THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION,NEW-YORK.J... . !, 1TABLEOF CONTENTSANDGENERAL INDEX.Abstract of Public :Principal Departmental Customs Receipts at allLaws 15-17 Officers, U. S Ports. U.S 53Conatitutioual Amend- Iron :;6 Executive ai.d Diplo-and Stei I Tables...mentsin the States....17-22 Foreign Trade of U. S...37-38 matic Officers 54Party Platform.s 22 28 Revenue and Expend! List of XLVth CongressPres.Hayes's Inaugural. 55-6028-30, tures and CommitteesPresident Hayes'.j Civil iList of Appropriations.. 40 Popular Vote for Presi-Service Or Voir Alternate Text

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Price 25 Cents/''*' r THE TeTBUIEAllAIAC IE TRIBUNC QUILOINC. AND POLITICAL REGISTER 1878. EiDVs^A-Rr> i^oi»iiERsoasr, etditor. For ContentH and Index, see tlic other side of x\k\n pase. THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION, NEW-YORK. J ... . !, 1 TABLEOF CONTENTSANDGENERAL INDEX. Abstract of Public :Principal Departmental Customs Receipts at all Laws 15-17 Officers, U. S Ports. U.S 53 Conatitutioual Amend- Iron :;6 Executive ai.d Diplo-and Stei I Tables... mentsin the States....17-22 Foreign Trade of U. S...37-38 matic Officers 54 Party Platform.s 22 28 Revenue and Expend! List of XLVth Congress Pres.Hayes's Inaugural. 55-6028-30, tures and Committees President Hayes'.j Civil iList of Appropriations.. 40 Popular Vote for Presi- Service Or~., Order list of principal 35-36 HAYES'Sinaugural 28-30 Butterand Cheese, ex- Illinois, election of U. Public LANDLegislationiei? ports 02 S. Senatoria 32 Railroad Statisiics 40,42 members 54 Immigration, since 40 REBELLION, expensesdueCauinet, of— 1861 CALiF0RNi-\,amendment8 17 imports of 1876 and '77 37 to 39 Cigars and Cheroots, Inaugural of President Rr.VENUEof U. S., from number Hayes 28-30 18g4taxes on, and 39 taxed 50 Indiana, amendmentsin 18 Savings Baisk Statistics49-5o debt of 43 Indian expenses since SHERMAN'S LEITER OnCities, Civilservice Order.... 30 1864 39 Bonds 30 COINAGE, 1793 to 1877.. 40 Intereston PublicDebt 39 Silk Statistics 36 amendments 17 Int. rev. Ileceipt.s 50-52 SilverCOINAGEsince '92 40COLORADO, C0M3IERCIAL TABLES. -. .36-38 Iowa, Party Platforms. 22 Spirits, taxes on 50 COMMITTEES OF CON- Iron, exports* imports. 36 States,bank's capitalm 50 judicial officers list of GovernorsGRESS 57-60 U. s. 34 of 61 CONGRESSME.V, lists of...55-57 Kansas, election ofU . S. int.rev. collections in.. 50 ! amendm'ts 17 Senator Steel, exports& imp'rtsCONNECTICUT, 33 36 , CONSULS-GENERAL, Ust.. 54 Laws of 2d session, 44th TaxesfromNat'l Banks.4S-50 CONTRACTORS in South- Congress 15-17 Tennessee, votes on u. pay 15 Legal-tenders, amount S. --enators.ern States, of 49 32 Court, JudgesSupreme. 34 LOUISIANA, vote on U. S. Tobacco, u. S. taxes on. 50 t.^bles 47-50 Senator 32 Trade and CommerceCurrency CUSTOMS Receipts, since Maine, party platforms 23 Tables 36-38 election U. S. Senator. 31 U. S. Govtrnment re- ! Massachusetts, amend- ceipts expenditures,customs receipts, by & | port8inl877 03 ments, &c 79 since 1864 39 DairyPRODUCTS,exports Party Platforms in 23-24 U. S. judicial officers....34-35 Match-tax, amount of.. U. S. Ministers, list of. . 54of,sinceI820 52 51 Debt of United States.. 63 jdiCHiGAN, election of U. cost of 39 DEBTof Cities 43 S. Senator 31 U. S. Supreme Court 34 MiNNESOTA.amendments, 81 WestDiPLO-MATic Officers of Virginia, election the United States M eleciion U. S. Senator. 31 ofU S. Senators 33 S. Senators.31-33 Minor Coinage, amount 40 whiskey, taxes on TjOELECTION U. ELECTORAL Vote, since MlssiSSU'PI,am'dm'tsin. 82 per ct. by States. 52 1864 52 NationalBankFigures.47-49 EXEnuTm?Officers U. S.35,54 Navy, costof since 1864 39 Election Returns i EXPENDITURES of U. S.. Neuraska, election of From tach .State and Terri- 8incelS64 39 U.S. Senator 31 tory, alphabetically arranged, j TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR 1878. ECL.IJPSES. the year there will fonr ecliiise.s, two of the Snn and two of the Moon :In 187S be I. An Annular Ec'up«e of the (bud, Febniarj' 2, invisible in .\meriea. II. A Pailial Ecii))SO ot the Moon, February l". Magnitude of the Eclipse=0.840 table(Moon'a dianieter=l.) Tartly visible in the L'nitcd States, as ner appended : PL.A.CE. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR IST TRANSIT OF MERCURY. On May 6, tho planet ifercury ttiU pass across tho Sen's dislt aa a small round black or transit, vnll occap5' nioro than seven hours, visible inspot. This pas8a(?e, and -will he ail parts of the United States. The following di.igrams roprcsonc thres phases of the New-York :transit as seen in rissT ISTE7.NAL co-TAcr. Middle of TaAssir. 10 19 A. ji. a 03 r. M. [The dotted lines show tho patU of th3 planet across tha San, and tho arrows its direction.] Th3 following table exhibits the approximate times of the transit for the places givon : First First Middle of Last Last,, ,__ruA^. Est. Contact. Int. Contact. Transit. Int. Contact. Ext. Contact. 5 ;^8 y. 5 41 P. M.Baltimore 10 (5 A. M. 10 9 A. JI. 1 53 P. 11. V. 10 28 10 31 2 1.5 f; 59 G 02Boston 22 25 09 4 54 4 57Ctiicago 9 1 (17Cincinnati 9 35 38 1 22 5 C 10 12 9 15 59 4 4H 4 40New-Orleans 9 5 48 C 51New-York 10 1(5 10 10 2 03 Philadelphio, 10 12 10 15 2 00 5 44 5 47 0.^ 7 0(5 I'iSlA. M 2 35 2 38Sau Francisco.... 7 4 47St. Louis 9 12 9 15 1 OJ V. M. 4 44 lo 0-t 10 07 1 52 5 36Wasniuirton viz. on NovemberThroe more transits of Mercury will occur ia tlie present century, : 1801, and November 10, 1891. Tho first recorded transit was predicted7, 1881, Mav 9, Paris, Novemberby Kepler, and observed by Gaasendi, at 7. 1G31. Positions oX th:? Principal Planets. JA.\. I E : MAK. jAFmL.! MAY. .JUNE. j Merc'ry Sagit. Sagit. Aqua, jPisces!Aries LA.qua.iAqua. Capr. Aqua. PiscesVenus.. Taur. Taur.Mars ...'_Pise's !Aries. Taur. Jupiter.lSagit.lSagit. Saprit.jCapr. |Capr. .iAqua-IPisc'slPiscesiPiscesiPiscesSatnrn 1staiOVTH. 31 DATS.JANUARY. , 8dMONTH. FEBRUARY. MOON'S PHASES. YOKK. WASH T&K. CHAKLES N. CI!IC;' II. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. New Moon . . . 7. mor. 3 2t mor. mor. 2 mor, 2 27 mor.33 3 9 57 First Quarter . 8 mor. 8 21 mor. 5 mor. mor, mor.33 9 7 57 7 27 Full Moon . . . , 6 mor. 6 21 mor. 6 9 mor. mor, 27 mor.33 5 S7 5 Third Quarter , 10 2g eve. [o eve. o ; eve. eve. cvc.17 53 9 239 10 c^^ ^o , o<3 1^ 1^ t^ ~f 'OVOO O >o rt- o U-, ly-. 1-1 1 1 COV -r U >^ CO M M J^OT CO C^ Cs O O w M ro 'J- "-10 t^oo CN " >•o M -^ w-iO f^CO )O t^W O O .^ O I .ij O O ^ "__C S-9' -.O wo ir-.vo VO l^CO C-. O -< u-^ LO »j^ uo »0 u^ Lo 1.0 rj- ^|- -^ ^t- >j- '^ "^^ ro CO fO to rO fO f*0 fO COrr >J- "n- CO II OOO'O'OO'OO^OO'OOO'OOVOOOVOOOOOO'OVOVOVO CO (1-h fl CO CO O I'M 1^ rooo rl -^ OvO (^ r^ g-2-^.[!P4 IO t^OO O M 2 I /-. \r.yC) ^^C0C^ O .i2 OOO'OOOOOOVOVOVOVOO 3dMONTH. MARCH. MOON'S PHASES. bostok, E\V YORK. WASH TOK. CHARLES N. CHICAGO, H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. New Moon 10 eve. 21 eve. ro eve. eve. eve. . 33 9 57 9 279 First Quarter [1 17 eve. 1 eve. 10 eve. 041 eve. J I eve.5 53 Full Moon eve. eve. eve. eve. 1 eve. . . 4 23 411 59 47 3 73 3 Third Quarter o 6 eve. I mor. 11 42 mor. I mor. 1 o mor.54 30 1-- r'--CN Cn O M rt-O IO J^CO CNOi-pOMflcO-Jh-^ io,<2 t^iO Oi-ipOMMrOfT*'1-'* t*^0 ) M- t^co o o > -1- "->o '^&o <:> o « N m '^ >oo jv.m o mo en CO f1 M o = k; CO ^'^ ^'^ rn ir^ I u-1 * 01 ^ ^''J ^ g »o M M 01 C< ^ CI g fn fn CS CO N "-v\0 o »-^ao O " >- f"S O 2 O «-i rnn 1/-.VO r^co cv o j-ivo I^M C\ O , -1- ir.o I^CO C-. o « OvOOOOvOOOOOvOOOvOOvOOOOOOO IO -+-0 COO O ro t^ ><-! o N w-i vr, MM ro N « -O c ro t-^co Cn 1 M CH ro -^ro -i-O O "-1O t^co CO C\ o Cn CO I^ CO CC C^ I t^oc 00 C/5 O r^co Cn o 1.2 t^JO o " o§ M 100 1^ *-• ri ro "^ »'~iC\ 01 CO^ C^ O=^ as 1/^0^0^0vpv0^00^00000'^^0^ )O VOOO i/-> " "VM < fOvO 00 M -+0 r^ CN O •- -1- >O H-yj O I'-i >O O O O CN CN C\ C\00 CO CO »^ t^ txOOO vO >^ •=.:..,Awoivu I £t«COSH^Hfec;!wSH^H£j^(aSH^H£c;5coSH^H£(^i • iJ-iO ^^CO Cv M CI ro -1- >AiO J^OO < ro+ x-ivo ON HI•lUKOre JO iVQ O o f~»oO O ^ 1/10 r>sOO o Oava.^jiOAva voooooo' 1 CO CO CO00 00 c 5IONTH.4tH 30 DAl'S.APRIL.
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