Hematology, Immunology and Infectious Disease: Neonatology Questions and Controversies E-Book
Robin K Ohls, Akhil Maheshwari
Textbook of Critical Care E-Book
Abraham Edward, Louis Vincent, Mitchell P. Fink, Patrick Kochanek, Frederick A. Moore, Jean
Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry - E-Book
Theodore A. Stern, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, Gregory L. Fricchione
Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn E-Book
Christopher B. Wilson, Victor Nizet, Yvonne Maldonado, Jack S. Remington, Jerome O. Klein
Symptoms of depression in ICU physicians
Embriaco Nathalie, Hraiech Sami, Azoulay Elie, Baumstarck-Barrau Karine, Forel Jean-Marie, Kentish-Barnes Nancy, Pochard Frédéric, Loundou Anderson, Papazian, Papazian Laurent, Roch Antoine
Predisposing factors for delirium in the surgical intensive care unit
Aldemir Mustafa, Özen Sakir, Kara, Sir Aytekin, Baç, Baç Bilsel
Utility of routine chest radiographs in a medical–surgical intensive care unit: a quality assurance survey
Chahine-Malus Natalie, Stewart Thomas, Lapinsky, Marras Ted, Dancey David, Leung Richard, Mehta, Mehta Sangeeta
Dynamic lactate indices as predictors of outcome in critically ill patients
Nichol Alistair, Bailey Michael, Egi Moritoki, French Craig, Stachowski Edward, Reade, Cooper David, Bellomo, Bellomo Rinaldo, Pettilä Ville
Effect of fluid loading during hypovolaemic shock on caspofungin pharmacokinetic parameters in pig
Woloch Christian, Blayac Dorothée, Solas Caroline, Quaranta Sylvie, Mardelle Vincent, Castanier Matthias, Sampol-Manos, Sampol-Manos Emmanuelle, Papazian Laurent, Roch Antoine
Effect of fluid loading during hypovolaemic shock on caspofungin pharmacokinetic parameters in pig
Woloch Christian, Blayac Dorothée, Solas Caroline, Quaranta Sylvie, Mardelle Vincent, Castanier Matthias, Sampol-Manos, Sampol-Manos Emmanuelle, Papazian Laurent, Roch Antoine
9 pages
Life-sustaining treatment decisions in Portuguese intensive care units: a national survey of intensive care physicians
Cardoso Teresa, Fonseca Teresa, Pereira Sofia, Lencastre, Lencastre Luís
Effects of lornoxicam on the physiology of severe sepsis
Memiåÿ Dilek, Karamanlä±Oäÿlu Beyhan, Turan Alparslan, Koyuncu Onur, Pamukçu, Pamukçu Zafer
Can dexmedetomidine be a safe and efficacious sedative agent in post-cardiac surgery patients? a meta-analysis
He Bin, Chen Jian, Wang Zhi, Wang, Lin Yi
Short- and long-term outcomes of HIV-infected patients admitted to the intensive care unit: impact of antiretroviral therapy and immunovirological status
Morquin David, Le, Mura Thibaut, Makinson Alain, Klouche Kada, Jonquet Olivier, Corne, Corne Philippe, Reynes Jacques
Short- and long-term outcomes of HIV-infected patients admitted to the intensive care unit: impact of antiretroviral therapy and immunovirological status
Morquin David, Le, Mura Thibaut, Makinson Alain, Klouche Kada, Jonquet Olivier, Corne, Corne Philippe, Reynes Jacques
11 pages
Emerging resistance among bacterial pathogens in the intensive care unit – a European and North American Surveillance study (2000–2002)
Draghi, Thornsberry Clyde, Karlowsky, Sahm, Wenzel, Jones
Changes in the quality of life in patients with prolonged stay in the intensive care unit and risk factors related to the changes ; Ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, gyvenimo kokybės pokyčiai ir jų rizikos veiksniai
Comparison of sufentanil with sufentanil plus magnesium sulphate for sedation in the intensive care unit using bispectral index
Memiåÿ Dilek, Turan Alparslan, Karamanlä±Oäÿlu Beyhan, Oäÿuzhan Nihal, Pamukçu, Pamukçu Zafer
Mild hypoglycemia is strongly associated with increased intensive care unit length of stay
Krinsley James, Spronk, Mélot Christian, Preiser, Preiser Jean-Charles, Van, Schultz
Bispectral index versus COMFORT score to determine the level of sedation in paediatric intensive care unit patients: a prospective study
Triltsch, Nestmann Grit, Orawa Helmut, Moshirzadeh Maryam, Sander Michael, Große Joachim, Genähr Arka, Konertz Wolfgang, Spies
Bispectral index versus COMFORT score to determine the level of sedation in paediatric intensive care unit patients: a prospective study
Triltsch, Nestmann Grit, Orawa Helmut, Moshirzadeh Maryam, Sander Michael, Große Joachim, Genähr Arka, Konertz Wolfgang, Spies
9 pages
Intensive care unit-acquired urinary tract infections in a regional critical care system
Laupland, Bagshaw, Gregson, Kirkpatrick, Ross Terry, Church