The Comprehensive Treatment of the Aging Spine E-Book
James J. Yue, Richard Guyer, J. Patrick Johnson, Larry T. Khoo, Stephen H. Hochschuler
The majority of dorsal spinal cord gastrin releasing peptide is synthesized locally whereas neuromedin B is highly expressed in pain- and itch-sensing somatosensory neurons
Fleming, Ramos Daniel, Han Seung, Zhao Jianyuan, Son Young-Jin, Luo Wenqin, Luo
Effects of peripheral inflammation on the blood-spinal cord barrier
Xanthos, Püngel Isabella, Wunderbaldinger Gabriele, Sandkühler, Sandkühler Jürgen
Targeting of prion-infected lymphoid cells to the central nervous system accelerates prion infection
Friedman-Levi Yael, Hoftberger Romana, Budka Herbert, Mayer-Sonnenfeld Tehila, Abramsky Oded, Ovadia Haim, Gabizon, Gabizon Ruth
Co-induction of cyclooxyenase-2 and early growth response gene (Egr-1) in spinal cord in a clinical model of persistent inflammation and hyperalgesia
Dolan Sharron, Hastie Peter, Crossan Claire, Nolan
The emergence of adolescent onset pain hypersensitivity following neonatal nerve injury
Vega-Avelaira David, Mckelvey Rebecca, Hathway Gareth, Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Maria
Acute morphine induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 up-regulation in primary sensory neurons to mask opioid-induced analgesia in mice
Liu Yen-Chin, Berta Temugin, Liu Tong, Tan Ping-Heng, Ji, Ji Ru-Rong
Activation of c-jun N-terminal kinase in spinal cord contributes to breast cancer induced bone pain in rats
Wang Xiao-Wei, Hu Shan, Mao-Ying Qi-Liang, Li Qian, Yang Chang-Jiang, Mi Wen-Li, Wu Gen-Cheng, Wang Yan-Qing, Wang, Hui Zhang
Rapid S-nitrosylation of actin by NO-generating donors and in inflammatory pain model mice
Lu Jingshan, Katano Tayo, Uta Daisuke, Furue Hidemasa, Ito, Ito Seiji
Interleukin-1 beta and neurotrophin-3 synergistically promote neurite growth in vitro
Boato Francesco, Hechler Daniel, Rosenberger Karen, Lüdecke Doreen, Nitsch Robert, Hendrix, Hendrix Sven, Peters
Identification of sodium channel isoforms that mediate action potential firing in lamina I/II spinal cord neurons
Hildebrand, Mezeyova Janette, Salter, Tringham Elizabeth, Snutch, Smith
Cancer-induced bone pain sequentially activates the ERK/MAPK pathway in different cell types in the rat spinal cord
Wang Li-Na, Yao Ming, Yang Jian-Ping, Peng Jun, Peng Yan, Li Cai-Fang, Zhang Yan-Bing, Ji Fu-Hai, Cheng Hao, Xu Qi-Nian, Wang Xiu-Yun, Zuo Jian-Ling
Cancer-induced bone pain sequentially activates the ERK/MAPK pathway in different cell types in the rat spinal cord
Wang Li-Na, Yao Ming, Yang Jian-Ping, Peng Jun, Peng Yan, Li Cai-Fang, Zhang Yan-Bing, Ji Fu-Hai, Cheng Hao, Xu Qi-Nian, Wang Xiu-Yun, Zuo Jian-Ling
11 pages