Etude des mecanismes controlant la deformation du magnesium a chaud, A study of the mechanisms controlling the plastic deformation of magnesium at high temperature
Adrien Chapuis
Unknotting night-time muscle cramp: a survey of patient experience, help-seeking behaviour and perceived treatment effectiveness
Blyton Fiona, Chuter Vivienne, Burns, Burns Joshua
Phases et nouveaux composés à base de magnésium pour le stockage de l'hydrogène, Laves phases and new compounds based on magnesium for hydrogen storage application
Cristina Iuliana Petrache
Dietary inulin intake and age can significantly affect intestinal absorption of calcium and magnesium in rats: a stable isotope approach
Coudray Charles, Rambeau Mathieu, Feillet-Coudray Christine, Tressol Jean, Demigne Christian, Gueux Elyett, Mazur Andrzej, Rayssiguier, Rayssiguier Yves
Dietary inulin intake and age can significantly affect intestinal absorption of calcium and magnesium in rats: a stable isotope approach
Coudray Charles, Rambeau Mathieu, Feillet-Coudray Christine, Tressol Jean, Demigne Christian, Gueux Elyett, Mazur Andrzej, Rayssiguier, Rayssiguier Yves
8 pages
In vivo assessment of the host reactions to the biodegradation of the two novel magnesium alloys ZEK100 and AX30 in an animal model
Huehnerschulte Tim, Reifenrath Janin, Dziuba Dina, Seitz Jan, Bormann Dirk, Windhagen Henning, Meyer-Lindenberg, Meyer-Lindenberg Andrea, Von
In vivo assessment of the host reactions to the biodegradation of the two novel magnesium alloys ZEK100 and AX30 in an animal model
Huehnerschulte Tim, Reifenrath Janin, Dziuba Dina, Seitz Jan, Bormann Dirk, Windhagen Henning, Meyer-Lindenberg, Meyer-Lindenberg Andrea, Von
20 pages
Effect of magnesium sulfate administration on blood–brain barrier in a rat model of intraperitoneal sepsis: a randomized controlled experimental study
Esen Figen, Erdem Tulin, Aktan Damla, Orhan Mukadder, Kaya Mehmet, Eraksoy Haluk, Cakar Nahit, Telci, Telci Lutfi
Effect of magnesium sulfate administration on blood–brain barrier in a rat model of intraperitoneal sepsis: a randomized controlled experimental study
Esen Figen, Erdem Tulin, Aktan Damla, Orhan Mukadder, Kaya Mehmet, Eraksoy Haluk, Cakar Nahit, Telci, Telci Lutfi
6 pages
Comparison of sufentanil with sufentanil plus magnesium sulphate for sedation in the intensive care unit using bispectral index
Memiåÿ Dilek, Turan Alparslan, Karamanlä±Oäÿlu Beyhan, Oäÿuzhan Nihal, Pamukçu, Pamukçu Zafer
Etude de la structure de verres magnésio-silicatés : approche expérimentale et modélisation, Study of magnesium-silicate glass structure experimental approach and simulation
Nicolas Trcera
Etude des agrégats d'hélium dopés par les métaux alcalino-terreux, Study of helium clusters doped with alkaline-earth metals
Mohamed Elhiyani
Correlation of magnesium intake with metabolic parameters, depression and physical activity in elderly type 2 diabetes patients: a cross-sectional study
John Lee, Huang Jui-Hua, Lu Yi-Fa, Cheng Fu-Chou, Tsai, Tsai Leih-Ching
Surface cooling for induction of mild hypothermia in conscious healthy volunteers - a feasibility trial
Testori Christoph, Sterz Fritz, Behringer Wilhelm, Spiel Alexander, Firbas Christa, Jilma, Jilma Bernd
Contenido de magnesio y calcio en aguas del área costera Mediterránea del sureste de España y su relación con la actividad industrial (Magnesium and calcium content in waters from the Mediterranean coastal area of south- eastern Spain and their relation with industrial activity)
Jodral A
Contenido de magnesio y calcio en aguas del área costera Mediterránea del sureste de España y su relación con la actividad industrial (Magnesium and calcium content in waters from the Mediterranean coastal area of south- eastern Spain and their relation with industrial activity)
Jodral A
12 pages
Utilización nutritiva de magnesio durante el desarrollo de la anemiaferropénica nutricional(Nutritive utilization of magnesium during the development of nutritionaliron deficiency anaemia)
López-Aliaga I
Nouveaux intermétalliques ternaires à base de magnésium pour le stockage de l’hydrogène, New ternary intermetallics, based magnesium, for hydrogen storage
Jean-Gabriel Roquefere
Análisis de la composición mineral en alimentos congelados precocinados de consumo habitual. (Analyses of mineral compositions in habitually consumed pre-cooked frozen foods)
Planells E
Zinc, ferritin, magnesium and copper in a group of Egyptian children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
El-Mazary, Maher, Saber, Mahmoud