Signaling mechanisms in tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced death of microvascular endothelial cells of the corpus luteum
Rueda, Pru, Lynch, Davis
(−)-Epigallocatechin gallate inhibits endotoxin-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines in human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells
Xu Wang, Li Jieliang, Ye Li, Liu Jinping, Wang Yizhong, Ho Wenzhe, Ho, Yu Zhou
Clinical utility of biomarkers of endothelial activation in sepsis-a systematic review
Xing Katharine, Murthy Srinivas, Liles, Singh
The influence of hydrogen peroxide and histamine on lung permeability and translocation of iridium nanoparticles in the isolated perfused rat lung
Meiring, Borm, Bagate Karim, Semmler Manuela, Seitz Jürgen, Takenaka Shinji, Kreyling
Le Syndrome de choc de dengue, approches clinique et in vitro, Dengue shock syndrome, clinical and in vitro investigations
Stéphanie Devignot
Low tidal volume protects pulmonary vasomotor function from “second-hit” injury in acute lung injury rats
Pan Chun, Wang Jianqiang, Liu Ling, Jing Liang, Yang Yi, Qiu Haibo, Wei Liu, Qiu
Gender differences in response to cold pressor test assessed with velocity-encoded cardiovascular magnetic resonance of the coronary sinus
Moro Pierre-Julien, Flavian Antonin, Kober Frank, Quilici Jacques, Gaborit Bénédicte, Bonnet Jean-Louis, Moulin Guy, Cozzone, Bernard Monique, Bernard, Jacquier Alexis
Gender differences in response to cold pressor test assessed with velocity-encoded cardiovascular magnetic resonance of the coronary sinus
Moro Pierre-Julien, Flavian Antonin, Kober Frank, Quilici Jacques, Gaborit Bénédicte, Bonnet Jean-Louis, Moulin Guy, Cozzone, Bernard Monique, Bernard, Jacquier Alexis
9 pages
Assessment of endothelium and inflammatory response at the onset of reperfusion injury in hand surgery
Kamat Pranitha, Juon Bettina, Jossen Brigitte, Gajanayake Thusitha, Rieben Robert, Vögelin, Vögelin Esther
Contribution à l'étude du rôle de CD146 soluble dans langiogenèse et de l'effet du blocage du récepteur P2Y12 sur la lésion endothéliale lors d'une angioplastie coronaire, Contribution to th study of the role of soluble CD146 in angiogenesis and effect pf P2Y12 receptor blockade on endothelial injury during percutaneous coronary intervention
Karim Harhouri
Contribution à l'étude du rôle de CD146 soluble dans langiogenèse et de l'effet du blocage du récepteur P2Y12 sur la lésion endothéliale lors d'une angioplastie coronaire, Contribution to th study of the role of soluble CD146 in angiogenesis and effect pf P2Y12 receptor blockade on endothelial injury during percutaneous coronary intervention
Karim Harhouri
111 pages
Alterations in arterial function after high-voltage electrical injury
Park Kyoung-Ha, Park Woo, Kim Min-Kyu, Kim Hyun-Sook, Kim Seong, Cho Goo-Yeong, Choi, Choi Young-Jin
Endothelium-derived markers and antioxidant status in the blood of obstructive sleep apnea males
Cofta S, Wysocka E, Michalak S, Piorunek T, Batura-Gabryel H, Torlinski, Torlinski L
Targeting of ICAM-1 on vascular endothelium under static and shear stress conditions using a liposomal Gd-based MRI contrast agent
Paulis, Jacobs Igor, Geelen Tessa, Molin, Starmans, Nicolay Klaas, Strijkers, Van
Diesel exhaust particulate induces pulmonary and systemic inflammation in rats without impairing endothelial function ex vivoor in vivo
Miller, Shaw, Robertson Sarah, Gray, Duffin Rodger, Mclean, Hadoke, Newby