THESIS Submitted to The University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR of PHILOSOPHY Discipline: chemical science Christian TOCK Towards dynamic multirotaxanes: A nanopress to mimic the activity of molecular chaperones Defended in public on October 5th in front of the following jury: Prof Mir Wais HOSSEINI President Prof Olivia REINAUD External referee Prof Peter BELSER External referee Dr Jean Pierre SAUVAGE Supervisor Dr Jean Paul COLLIN Supervisor In collaboration with Dr Julien Frey and Dr Valérie Heitz
Louis Pasteur
Rapports de stage
THESIS Submitted to The University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR of PHILOSOPHY Discipline: chemical science Christian TOCK Towards dynamic multirotaxanes: A nanopress to mimic the activity of molecular chaperones Defended in public on October 5th in front of the following jury: Prof Mir Wais HOSSEINI President Prof Olivia REINAUD External referee Prof Peter BELSER External referee Dr Jean Pierre SAUVAGE Supervisor Dr Jean Paul COLLIN Supervisor In collaboration with Dr Julien Frey and Dr Valérie Heitz
Louis Pasteur
197 pages
Tectonique moléculaire: Dipyrrines fonctionnalisées comme ligands pour la construction d'assemblages hétérométalliques
Domingo Salazar