Hematology, Immunology and Infectious Disease: Neonatology Questions and Controversies E-Book
Robin K Ohls, Akhil Maheshwari
Markers of stem cells in human ovarian granulosa cells: is there a clinical significance in ART?
Varras Michail, Griva Theodora, Kalles Vasileios, Akrivis Christodoulos, Paparisteidis, Paparisteidis Nikolaos
Effects of sildenafil and/or muscle derived stem cells on myocardial infarction
Kovanecz Istvan, Vernet Dolores, Nolazco Gaby, Kopchok, Chow, Gonzalez-Cadavid, Wang, White
5-Azacytidine Is Insufficient For Cardiogenesis In Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
Makpol Suzana, Sathapan Somasundaram, Chua, Chua Kien, Wan
La desprotección Jurídica del Embrión Humano Tras la Nueva Ley de Reproducción Humana Asistida y la Ley de investigación Biomédica (The Juridical desprotection of The Human Embryos Post the New Law of Human Assisted Reproduction and the Law of Biomedical investigation)
La desprotección Jurídica del Embrión Humano Tras la Nueva Ley de Reproducción Humana Asistida y la Ley de investigación Biomédica (The Juridical desprotection of The Human Embryos Post the New Law of Human Assisted Reproduction and the Law of Biomedical investigation)
18 pages
Culture of skeletal myoblasts from human donors aged over 40 years: dynamics of cell growth and expression of differentiation markers
Baj Andreina, Bettaccini, Casalone Rosario, Sala Andrea, Toniolo, Cherubino Paolo
Injectable polyethylene glycol-fibrinogen hydrogel adjuvant improves survival and differentiation of transplanted mesoangioblasts in acute and chronic skeletal-muscle degeneration
Fuoco Claudia, Salvatori Maria, Biondo Antonella, Shapira-Schweitzer Keren, Santoleri Sabrina, Antonini Stefania, Bernardini Sergio, Tedesco, Cannata Stefano, Seliktar Dror, Cossu Giulio, Gargioli Cesare
Injectable polyethylene glycol-fibrinogen hydrogel adjuvant improves survival and differentiation of transplanted mesoangioblasts in acute and chronic skeletal-muscle degeneration
Fuoco Claudia, Salvatori Maria, Biondo Antonella, Shapira-Schweitzer Keren, Santoleri Sabrina, Antonini Stefania, Bernardini Sergio, Tedesco, Cannata Stefano, Seliktar Dror, Cossu Giulio, Gargioli Cesare
14 pages
La Progresiva desprotección Jurídica de la Vida Humana Embrionaria en España: de la Ley 35/1988 a las Leyes 14/2006 y 14/2007 (The Progressive Legal Vulnerability of Embryonic Human Life in Spain: The Law 35/1988 to 14/2006 and Law 14/2007)
Células Troncales Rejuvenecidas y el Final de la Clonación (Stem Rejuvenated Cells and the End of the Human Cloning)
*Haematologica ELT10 Medline <http: www ncbi nlm nih gov:80 entrez query fcgi cmd=Retrieve db=PubMed list ui ds=12651292 dopt=Abstract> prev htm> index <index htm> next *The CD4+ CD56+ CD116 CD123+ CD45RA+ CD45RO profile is specific to DC2 malignancies* Trimoreau Franck Donnard Magali Turlure Pascal Gachard Nathalie Bordessoule Dominique Feuillard Jean Correspondence: Jean Feuillard <mailto:jean limoges fr> Laboratoire d Hématologie CHU Dupuytren av Martin Luther King Limoges France Phone Fax number CD4+ CD56+ malignancies also called blastic NK lymphoma leukemia are a recently described entity^1 and blast cells are considered as the leukemic counterpart of type dendritic cells DC2 Differential diagnosis may sometimes be difficult because it is based mainly on the absence of B T or myeloid lineage markers lin in addition to CD4 and CD56 expression This stresses the need for other specific criteria to recognize these tumors independently of the lin profile Like on normal DC2 co expression of the IL receptor CD123 and CD45RA in the absence of GM CSF receptor CD116 and CD45RO was systematically observed in these tumors Moreover CD36 was expressed in most cases CD123 is widely expressed in AML It has been identified as a marker for AML stem cells CD34+CD38 leukemia cells CD116 has been preferentially associated with M4 M5 subtype of AML but is not specific^7 Neither CD45RA nor CD45RO is lineage specific CD36 is expressed by monocytic erythroblast and megakaryoblast cells This raises the question of the specificity of a DC2 immunophenotypic profile rather than of each individual marker We therefore evaluated the expression of CD4 CD56 CD123 CD116 CD45RA CD45RO and CD36 in acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes MDS in order to evaluate the specificity of a DC2 malignancies profile that we defined as CD4+ CD56+ CD116 CD123+ CD45RA+ CD45RO Ninety six patients were studied according to FAB and EGIL recommendations with single lineage acute myeloid leukemia AML M0: M1: M2: M3: M4: M5: M6: M7: unclassified with ...
Jean Feuillard
Rapports de stage
*Haematologica ELT10 Medline <http: www ncbi nlm nih gov:80 entrez query fcgi cmd=Retrieve db=PubMed list ui ds=12651292 dopt=Abstract> prev htm> index <index htm> next *The CD4+ CD56+ CD116 CD123+ CD45RA+ CD45RO profile is specific to DC2 malignancies* Trimoreau Franck Donnard Magali Turlure Pascal Gachard Nathalie Bordessoule Dominique Feuillard Jean Correspondence: Jean Feuillard <mailto:jean limoges fr> Laboratoire d Hématologie CHU Dupuytren av Martin Luther King Limoges France Phone Fax number CD4+ CD56+ malignancies also called blastic NK lymphoma leukemia are a recently described entity^1 and blast cells are considered as the leukemic counterpart of type dendritic cells DC2 Differential diagnosis may sometimes be difficult because it is based mainly on the absence of B T or myeloid lineage markers lin in addition to CD4 and CD56 expression This stresses the need for other specific criteria to recognize these tumors independently of the lin profile Like on normal DC2 co expression of the IL receptor CD123 and CD45RA in the absence of GM CSF receptor CD116 and CD45RO was systematically observed in these tumors Moreover CD36 was expressed in most cases CD123 is widely expressed in AML It has been identified as a marker for AML stem cells CD34+CD38 leukemia cells CD116 has been preferentially associated with M4 M5 subtype of AML but is not specific^7 Neither CD45RA nor CD45RO is lineage specific CD36 is expressed by monocytic erythroblast and megakaryoblast cells This raises the question of the specificity of a DC2 immunophenotypic profile rather than of each individual marker We therefore evaluated the expression of CD4 CD56 CD123 CD116 CD45RA CD45RO and CD36 in acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes MDS in order to evaluate the specificity of a DC2 malignancies profile that we defined as CD4+ CD56+ CD116 CD123+ CD45RA+ CD45RO Ninety six patients were studied according to FAB and EGIL recommendations with single lineage acute myeloid leukemia AML M0: M1: M2: M3: M4: M5: M6: M7: unclassified with ...
Jean Feuillard
3 pages
Competitive DNA transfection formulation via electroporation for human adipose stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells
Flanagan Michael, Gimble, Yu Gang, Xia Xueqing, Bunnell, Li Shulin, Li
Isolation, characterization, and in vitropropagation of infantile hemangioma stem cells and an in vivomouse model
Xu Dan, Shartava Archil, Fowles, Yang Jianchang, Fink, Mihm, Waner Milton, Ma Yupo, Ma, Ward, O
Coculture with hematopoietic stem cells protects cardiomyocytes against apoptosis via paracrine activation of AKT
Rosenberg Mark, Lutz Matthias, Kühl Constantin, Will Rainer, Eckstein Volker, Krebs Jutta, Katus, Frey Norbert, Frey