The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances Volume 1
Kelly - University Of Toronto, H. Oskar (Heinrich Oskar) Sommer
A complete dictionary of the English language, both with regard to sound and meaning : one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation : to which is prefixed a prosodial grammar
Thomas Sheridan, University Of California Libraries
A complete dictionary of the English language, both with regard to sound and meaning : one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation : to which is prefixed a prosodial grammar
Thomas Sheridan, University Of California Libraries
596 pages
Grammatica franceza theórica e prática : ou methodo, inteiramente novo em Portugal para se aprender, com muita brevidade e perfeição, a fallar e escrever o idiôma francez por meio do portuguez
Robarts - University Of Toronto, Emilio Achilles Monteverde
Grammatica franceza theórica e prática : ou methodo, inteiramente novo em Portugal para se aprender, com muita brevidade e perfeição, a fallar e escrever o idiôma francez por meio do portuguez
Robarts - University Of Toronto, Emilio Achilles Monteverde
354 pages
Anciennes loix des François, conserveÌes dans les coutumes angoises Volume 2
University Of Ottawa, Thomas Littleton, David Houard