In these lectures which are based on re cent joint work with A Seeger I shall present sharp analogues of classical estimates by Peral and Miyachi for solutions of the standard wave equation on Euclidean space in the context of the wave equation associ ated to the sub Laplacian on a Heisenberg type group Some related questions such as spectral multipliers for the sub Laplacian or Strichartz estimates will be briefly ad dressed Our results improve on earlier joint work of mine with E M Stein The new ap proach that we use has the additional advan tage of bringing out more clearly the con nections of the problem with the underlying sub Riemannian geometry
Rapports de stage
In these lectures which are based on re cent joint work with A Seeger I shall present sharp analogues of classical estimates by Peral and Miyachi for solutions of the standard wave equation on Euclidean space in the context of the wave equation associ ated to the sub Laplacian on a Heisenberg type group Some related questions such as spectral multipliers for the sub Laplacian or Strichartz estimates will be briefly ad dressed Our results improve on earlier joint work of mine with E M Stein The new ap proach that we use has the additional advan tage of bringing out more clearly the con nections of the problem with the underlying sub Riemannian geometry
80 pages