10 histoires de sport
Barbara Castello, Élodie Becu, Giorda, Dominique Rousseau, Nine Lescalet, Patrick Cappelli, Isabelle De Gueltzl, Marc Bourgne, Pascal Deloche, Johan Heliot, Jean Marc Ligny
Tsunami detection in the ionosphere by Juliette Artru Caltech Pasadena USA Philippe Lognonné Giovanni Occhipinti François Crespon Raphael Garcia IPGP Paris France Eric Jeansou Noveltis Toulouse France and Makoto Murakami GSI Tsukuba Japan Introduction Tsunamis are surface gravity waves that propagate for great distances in the oceans usually triggered by earthquakes or landslides In the open ocean their long wavelengths typically km long periods minutes and small amplitudes a few to cm for the gigantic event of December make their detection very challenging even with the deployment of GPS buoy systems Gonzalez et al Recently satellite altimetry has proved to be capable of measuring the sea
Juliette Artru
Tsunami detection in the ionosphere by Juliette Artru Caltech Pasadena USA Philippe Lognonné Giovanni Occhipinti François Crespon Raphael Garcia IPGP Paris France Eric Jeansou Noveltis Toulouse France and Makoto Murakami GSI Tsukuba Japan Introduction Tsunamis are surface gravity waves that propagate for great distances in the oceans usually triggered by earthquakes or landslides In the open ocean their long wavelengths typically km long periods minutes and small amplitudes a few to cm for the gigantic event of December make their detection very challenging even with the deployment of GPS buoy systems Gonzalez et al Recently satellite altimetry has proved to be capable of measuring the sea
Juliette Artru
5 pages
Les événements naturels dommageables en France et dans le monde en 2002
Ministere De L'Ecologie Et Du Developpement Durable, Laroche Roselyne, Vignal Charly
Les événements naturels dommageables en France et dans le monde en 2003
Ministere De L'Ecologie Et Du Developpement Durable, Vignal Charly, Laroche Roselyne
L'emploi des fonds collectés par les associations en faveur des victimes du tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 - Situation au 31 décembre 2008
Cour Des Comptes
La méthodologie des retours d'expériences après les accidents naturels - Première tentative de codification
Philippe Huet, Inspection Generale De L'Environnement
L'aide française aux victimes du tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 - Observations définitives sur les comptes d'emploi « tsunami » des 32 organismes contrôlés par la Cour
Cour Des Comptes
Mission d'enquête sur le régime d'indemnisation des victimes de catastrophe naturelle
Chavarot André, Macaire Alexandre, Dimitrov Christo, Quefellec Christian, Inspection Générale Des Finances; Conseil Général Des Ponts Et Chaussées; Inspection Générale De L'Environnement, Legrand Henri, Philippe Dumas, Xavier Martin
Mission d'enquête sur le régime d'indemnisation des victimes de catastrophe naturelle
Chavarot André, Macaire Alexandre, Dimitrov Christo, Quefellec Christian, Inspection Générale Des Finances; Conseil Général Des Ponts Et Chaussées; Inspection Générale De L'Environnement, Legrand Henri, Philippe Dumas, Xavier Martin
756 pages
Tsunami detection in the ionosphere by Juliette Artru Caltech Pasadena USA Philippe Lognonné Giovanni Occhipinti François Crespon Raphael Garcia IPGP Paris France Eric Jeansou Noveltis Toulouse France and Makoto Murakami GSI Tsukuba Japan Introduction Tsunamis are surface gravity waves that propagate for great distances in the oceans usually triggered by earthquakes or landslides In the open ocean their long wavelengths typically km long periods minutes and small amplitudes a few to cm for the gigantic event of December make their detection very challenging even with the deployment of GPS buoy systems Gonzalez et al Recently satellite altimetry has proved to be capable of measuring the sea
Juliette Artru
Tsunami detection in the ionosphere by Juliette Artru Caltech Pasadena USA Philippe Lognonné Giovanni Occhipinti François Crespon Raphael Garcia IPGP Paris France Eric Jeansou Noveltis Toulouse France and Makoto Murakami GSI Tsukuba Japan Introduction Tsunamis are surface gravity waves that propagate for great distances in the oceans usually triggered by earthquakes or landslides In the open ocean their long wavelengths typically km long periods minutes and small amplitudes a few to cm for the gigantic event of December make their detection very challenging even with the deployment of GPS buoy systems Gonzalez et al Recently satellite altimetry has proved to be capable of measuring the sea
Juliette Artru
6 pages