Partition Complete Book, pour New York Selection of sacré Music; containing a great variety of plain, repeating, et fugue tunes. en Two parties. , partie First contains 120 tunes, of that plain, solid, et devotional style, which is best adapted to congregational use. , partie Second is composed of plain, repeating et fugue tunes. pour whole arranged et intended pour pour divers metres en Wattas, Dwight, Dobell, Dutch Reformed, Rippon, Tate et Brady, Sternhold, Hopkins, et others. Carefully compiled from pour best European et American authors by F. D. Allen
Partitions de musique classique
Partition Complete Book, pour New York Selection of sacré Music; containing a great variety of plain, repeating, et fugue tunes. en Two parties. , partie First contains 120 tunes, of that plain, solid, et devotional style, which is best adapted to congregational use. , partie Second is composed of plain, repeating et fugue tunes. pour whole arranged et intended pour pour divers metres en Wattas, Dwight, Dobell, Dutch Reformed, Rippon, Tate et Brady, Sternhold, Hopkins, et others. Carefully compiled from pour best European et American authors by F. D. Allen
174 pages