Ribavirin restores ESR1 gene expression and tamoxifen sensitivity in ESR1 negative breast cancer cell lines
Sappok Anne, Mahlknecht, Mahlknecht Ulrich
MiRNA expression patterns predict survival in glioblastoma
Niyazi Maximilian, Zehentmayr Franz, Niemöller, Eigenbrod Sabina, Kretzschmar Hans, Osthoff Klaus-Schulze, Atkinson Mike, Mörtl Simone, Belka, Belka Claus, Tonn Jörg-Christian
Detection of promoter hypermethylation of the CpG island of E-cadherin in gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma
Guo W, Dong Z, Guo Y, Kuang G, Yang Z, Chen Z, Chen
Expression of miR-34 is lost in colon cancer which can be re-expressed by a novel agent CDF
Roy Sanchita, Levi Edi, Majumdar, Sarkar
TGFBI promoter hypermethylation correlating with paclitaxel chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
Wang Ning, Yao Qin, Wang Yankui, Dai Shuzhen, Yang Xingsheng, Yang, Hui Zhang
Spécificité de liaison et de répression de la « Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain protein 2 » (MBD2) : identification de gènes cibles impliqués dans les cancers, The Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain Protein 2 (MBD2) : a specific interpret of methylated loci in cancer cells
Amandine Chatagnon
Spécificité de liaison et de répression de la « Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain protein 2 » (MBD2) : identification de gènes cibles impliqués dans les cancers, The Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain Protein 2 (MBD2) : a specific interpret of methylated loci in cancer cells
Amandine Chatagnon
357 pages
Contrôle épigénétique du risque de montaison chez une plante de grande culture : la betterave sucrière : mise au point d'une stratégie de caractérisation d'épiallèles associés à la sensibilité à la montaison en vue de l'élaboration d'un test de sélection, Epigenetic control of the bolting risk in a crop plant : sugar-beet : the development of a strategy to characterize epialleles associated with bolting sensivity, with a view to implementation as a selection tool
Marie-Veronique Trap
Contrôle épigénétique du risque de montaison chez une plante de grande culture : la betterave sucrière : mise au point d'une stratégie de caractérisation d'épiallèles associés à la sensibilité à la montaison en vue de l'élaboration d'un test de sélection, Epigenetic control of the bolting risk in a crop plant : sugar-beet : the development of a strategy to characterize epialleles associated with bolting sensivity, with a view to implementation as a selection tool
Marie-Veronique Trap
300 pages
Expression of KCNQ1OT1, CDKN1C, H19, and PLAGL1 and the methylation patterns at the KvDMR1 and H19/IGF2 imprinting control regions is conserved between human and bovine
Robbins Katherine, Chen Zhiyuan, Wells Kevin, Rivera Rocío, Rivera
Characterization of CDKN2A(p16) methylation and impact in colorectal cancer: systematic analysis using pyrosequencing
Bihl, Foerster Anja, Lugli Alessandro, Zlobec, Zlobec Inti
Increased copy number for methylated maternal 15q duplications leads to changes in gene and protein expression in human cortical samples
Scoles, Urraca Nora, Chadwick, Reiter, Lasalle
Alguns aspectos funcionais do epigenoma, genoma e transcriptoma nos animais (Some functional properties of epigenome, genome and transcriptome in animals)
IGFBP3 impedes aggressive growth of pediatric liver cancer and is epigenetically silenced in vascular invasive and metastatic tumors
Regel Ivonne, Eichenmüller Melanie, Joppien Saskia, Liebl Johanna, Häberle Beate, Müller-Höcker Josef, Vollmar Angelika, Kappler, Kappler Roland, Von
IGFBP3 impedes aggressive growth of pediatric liver cancer and is epigenetically silenced in vascular invasive and metastatic tumors
Regel Ivonne, Eichenmüller Melanie, Joppien Saskia, Liebl Johanna, Häberle Beate, Müller-Höcker Josef, Vollmar Angelika, Kappler, Kappler Roland, Von
11 pages
Epigenetic silencing of the 3p22 tumor suppressor DLEC1 by promoter CpG methylation in non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas
Tao, Wang Zhaohui, Li Lili, Su Xianwei, Gao Zifen, Srivastava Gopesh, Ambinder Richard, Murray, Qian Tao
Reproducibility and intraindividual variation over days in buccal cell DNA methylation of two asthma genes, interferon γ (IFNγ) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
Torrone Dz, Kuriakose Js, Moors K, Jiang H, Niedzwiecki Mm, Perera Ff, Miller Rl, Miller
Reproducibility and intraindividual variation over days in buccal cell DNA methylation of two asthma genes, interferon γ (IFNγ) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
Torrone Dz, Kuriakose Js, Moors K, Jiang H, Niedzwiecki Mm, Perera Ff, Miller Rl, Miller
8 pages
DNA methylation of the RIZ1 tumor suppressor gene plays an important role in the tumorigenesis of cervical cancer
Cheng Hy, Gao Y, Lou G, Lou
Secondhand smoke in combination with ambient air pollution exposure is associated with increasedx CpG methylation and decreased expression of IFN-γ in T effector cells and Foxp3 in T regulatory cells in children
Kohli Arunima, Garcia, Maher Christina, Humblet Olivier, Hammond S, Nadeau, Nadeau Kari, Miller
Secondhand smoke in combination with ambient air pollution exposure is associated with increasedx CpG methylation and decreased expression of IFN-γ in T effector cells and Foxp3 in T regulatory cells in children
Kohli Arunima, Garcia, Maher Christina, Humblet Olivier, Hammond S, Nadeau, Nadeau Kari, Miller
16 pages
Promoter de-methylation of cyclin D2by sulforaphane in prostate cancer cells
Hsu Anna, Wong, Yu Zhen, Dashwood, Ho Emily, Williams, Ho
MGMTpromoter methylation in gliomas-assessment by pyrosequencing and quantitative methylation-specific PCR
Håvik Annette, Brandal Petter, Honne Hilde, Dahlback Hanne-Sofie, Scheie David, Hektoen Merete, Meling Torstein, Helseth Eirik, Heim Sverre, Lothe, Lind Guro
MGMTpromoter methylation in gliomas-assessment by pyrosequencing and quantitative methylation-specific PCR
Håvik Annette, Brandal Petter, Honne Hilde, Dahlback Hanne-Sofie, Scheie David, Hektoen Merete, Meling Torstein, Helseth Eirik, Heim Sverre, Lothe, Lind Guro
13 pages