Psychological Assessment in South Africa
Kate Cockcroft, Katherine Bain, Marita Brink, Marié Beer, Diana Sousa, David Edwards, Renate Gericke, Deidre Heafield, Tina Joubert, Kathy Knott, Mary Mcmahon, Yvonne Oosthuizen, Rabia Patel, Sarah Radloff, Joseph Seabi, Nicola Taylor, Andrew Thatcher, Nanette Tredoux, Rene Eeden, Nadene Venter, Victoria Whitefield-Alexander, Sumaya Laher, Zaytoon Amod, Fatima Bhabha, Nicoleen Coetzee, Gideon Bruin, Fiona Donald, Emma-Kate Gaylard, Kirston Greenop, Lorna Jacklin, Anil Kanjee, Marilyn Lucas, Karen Milner, Ruksana Osman, Cas Prinsloo, Jessica Rice, Ann Shuttleworth-Edwards, Terence Taylor, Linda Theron, Adele Merwe, Phia Tonder, Mark Watson, Charles Young
Sciences humaines et sociales
Psychological Assessment in South Africa
Kate Cockcroft, Katherine Bain, Marita Brink, Marié Beer, Diana Sousa, David Edwards, Renate Gericke, Deidre Heafield, Tina Joubert, Kathy Knott, Mary Mcmahon, Yvonne Oosthuizen, Rabia Patel, Sarah Radloff, Joseph Seabi, Nicola Taylor, Andrew Thatcher, Nanette Tredoux, Rene Eeden, Nadene Venter, Victoria Whitefield-Alexander, Sumaya Laher, Zaytoon Amod, Fatima Bhabha, Nicoleen Coetzee, Gideon Bruin, Fiona Donald, Emma-Kate Gaylard, Kirston Greenop, Lorna Jacklin, Anil Kanjee, Marilyn Lucas, Karen Milner, Ruksana Osman, Cas Prinsloo, Jessica Rice, Ann Shuttleworth-Edwards, Terence Taylor, Linda Theron, Adele Merwe, Phia Tonder, Mark Watson, Charles Young
418 pages
POP® - PraxisOrientierte Pflegediagnostik
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Evaluación de la calidad de la asignatura matemática superior I en el ámbito de la sede universitaria municipal Camajuaní Cuba: Experiencia de un colectivo de carrera (Quality Assessment of Higher Math I Subject in the Area of the Sede Universitaria Municipal Camajuaní Cuba: Collective Experience of a Career)
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