Vitamin K1 enhances sorafenib-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis of human malignant glioma cells by blocking the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway
Du Wei, Zhou Jing-Ru, Wang Dong-Liang, Gong Kai, Zhang Qing-Jun, Zhang
Knockdown of the nucleosome binding protein 1 inhibits the growth and invasion of clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo
Ji Shi-Qi, Yao Lin, Zhang Xiao-Yu, Li Xue-Song, Zhou, Zhou Li-Qun
Neuroprotective effect of an angiotensin receptor type 2 agonist following cerebral ischemia in vitro and in vivo
Lee Seyoung, Brait, Arumugam, Kim Hyun, Widdop, Drummond, Sobey, Jones, Evans
Combination of cilostazol and clopidogrel attenuates Rat critical limb ischemia
Sheu Jiunn-Jye, Lin Kun-Chen, Tsai Ching-Yen, Tsai Tzu-Hsien, Leu Steve, Yen Chia-Hung, Chen Yung-Lung, Chang Hsueh-Wen, Sun Cheuk-Kwan, Chua Sarah, Yang Jenq-Lin, Yip Hon-Kan
Combination of cilostazol and clopidogrel attenuates Rat critical limb ischemia
Sheu Jiunn-Jye, Lin Kun-Chen, Tsai Ching-Yen, Tsai Tzu-Hsien, Leu Steve, Yen Chia-Hung, Chen Yung-Lung, Chang Hsueh-Wen, Sun Cheuk-Kwan, Chua Sarah, Yang Jenq-Lin, Yip Hon-Kan
14 pages
Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of cell growth by tbx5knockdown contribute to dysmorphogenesis in Zebrafish embryos
Lu Jenher, Tsai Tzuchun, Choo Sielin, Yeh Shuyu, Tang Renbing, Yang Anhang, Lee Hsinyu, Lu Jennkan, Lu
The tumor suppressor gene RBM5 inhibits lung adenocarcinoma cell growth and induces apoptosis
Xu Wei, Shao Chen, Zhao Lijing, Wang Ke, Yang Baoxue, Yang, Jie Zhang
Tumor-exosomes and leukocyte activation: an ambivalent crosstalk
Zech Daniela, Rana Sanyukta, Büchler, Zöller, Zöller Margot
The protective effect of peroxiredoxin II on oxidative stress induced apoptosis in pancreatic β-cells
Zhao Fang, Wang Qinghua, Wang
TGF-β1 and serum both stimulate contraction but differentially affect apoptosis in 3D collagen gels
Kobayashi Tetsu, Liu Xiangde, Kohyama Tadashi, Abe Shinji, Zhu Yun, Spurzem, Bitterman Peter, Rennard, Kim Hui, Wen Fu-Qiang, Fang Qiuhong
Regulation of protein translation initiation in response to ionizing radiation
Trivigno Donatella, Bornes Laura, Huber, Rudner, Rudner Justine
Cytotoxicity, anti-angiogenic, apoptotic effects and transcript profiling of a naturally occurring naphthyl butenone, guieranone A
Kuete Victor, Eichhorn Tolga, Wiench Benjamin, Krusche Benjamin, Efferth, Efferth Thomas
Inhibition of TNFalpha in vivo prevents hyperoxia-mediated activation of caspase 3 in type II cells
Guthmann Florian, Wissel Heide, Schachtrup Christian, Tölle Angelika, Rüdiger Mario, Spener Friedrich, Rüstow, Rüstow Bernd
Effects of long-term exposure of gelatinated and non-gelatinated cadmium telluride quantum dots on differentiated PC12 cells
Prasad, Mullins Gillian, Connolly David, Davies Gemma-Louise, Gun'Ko, Rochev, Rochev Yury, Gérard, Nikolskaya Natalia, Smith, Byrne
Effects of long-term exposure of gelatinated and non-gelatinated cadmium telluride quantum dots on differentiated PC12 cells
Prasad, Mullins Gillian, Connolly David, Davies Gemma-Louise, Gun'Ko, Rochev, Rochev Yury, Gérard, Nikolskaya Natalia, Smith, Byrne
14 pages
Variation in apoptosis mechanisms employed by malaria parasites: the roles of inducers, dose dependence and parasite stages
Matthews Holly, Ali Medhat, Carter Victoria, Underhill Ann, Hunt Jennifer, Szor Hannah, Hurd, Hurd Hilary
Signaling mechanisms in tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced death of microvascular endothelial cells of the corpus luteum
Rueda, Pru, Lynch, Davis
Evaluation of developmental changes in bovine in vitro produced embryos following exposure to bovine Herpesvirus type 5
Brenner, Silva-Frade Camila, Ferrarezi, Garcia, Cardoso, Florès
Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 is associated with the effect of claudin-6 in breast cancer
Guo Yaxiong, Xu Xiaoming, Liu Zhijing, Zhang Ting, Zhang Xiaowei, Wang Liping, Wang Min, Liu Yuanyuan, Lu Yan, Liu Yunpeng, Quan Chengshi
The Zfx gene is expressed in human gliomas and is important in the proliferation and apoptosis of the human malignant glioma cell line U251
Zhou Youxin, Su Zuopeng, Huang Yulun, Sun Ting, Chen Sansong, Wu Tingfeng, Chen Guilin, Xie Xueshun, Du Ziwei, Bin Li, Du
The Zfx gene is expressed in human gliomas and is important in the proliferation and apoptosis of the human malignant glioma cell line U251
Zhou Youxin, Su Zuopeng, Huang Yulun, Sun Ting, Chen Sansong, Wu Tingfeng, Chen Guilin, Xie Xueshun, Du Ziwei, Bin Li, Du
10 pages
Phosphatidylcholine induces apoptosis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Li Hailan, Lee Jong-Hyuk, Yun Hye-Young, Baek, Kwon, Yoon Yoosik, Jeong, Kim Dong-Seok, Kim
Nitric oxide-induced eosinophil apoptosis is dependent on mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT), JNK and oxidative stress: apoptosis is preceded but not mediated by early mPT-dependent JNK activation
Ilmarinen-Salo Pinja, Moilanen Eeva, Kinnula, Kankaanranta, Kankaanranta Hannu
Nitric oxide-induced eosinophil apoptosis is dependent on mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT), JNK and oxidative stress: apoptosis is preceded but not mediated by early mPT-dependent JNK activation
Ilmarinen-Salo Pinja, Moilanen Eeva, Kinnula, Kankaanranta, Kankaanranta Hannu
11 pages
Silencing of mutant p53 by siRNA induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells
Zhu Hai-Bin, Yang Kai, Xie Yan-Qi, Lin Yi-Wei, Mao Qi-Qi, Xie Li-Ping, Xie
Estrous cycle-dependent changes of Fas expression in the bovine corpus luteum: influence of keratin 8/18 intermediate filaments and cytokines
Duncan Alice, Forcina Jennifer, Birt Alyssa, Townson, Townson David
Levels and values of circulating endothelial progenitor cells, soluble angiogenic factors, and mononuclear cell apoptosis in liver cirrhosis patients
Chen Chih-Hung, Chang Li-Teh, Tung Wei-Chih, Chen Yung-Lung, Chang Chia-Lo, Leu Steve, Sun Cheuk-Kwan, Tsai Tzu-Hsien, Tsai I-Ting, Chang Hsueh-Wen, Yip Hon-Kan
Levels and values of circulating endothelial progenitor cells, soluble angiogenic factors, and mononuclear cell apoptosis in liver cirrhosis patients
Chen Chih-Hung, Chang Li-Teh, Tung Wei-Chih, Chen Yung-Lung, Chang Chia-Lo, Leu Steve, Sun Cheuk-Kwan, Tsai Tzu-Hsien, Tsai I-Ting, Chang Hsueh-Wen, Yip Hon-Kan
11 pages