Fenland notes & queries. A quarterly antiquarian journal for the fenland, in the counties of Huntingdon, Cambridge, Lincoln, Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk
W. D. (Walter Debenham) Sweeting, W. H. Bernard Saunders, University Of Michigan
The Project Gutenberg Works Of John Lothrop Motley - A Linked Index for: The Rise of the Dutch Republic; The - History of the United Netherlands; The Life and Death of - John of Barneveld
John Lothrop Motley
Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
Robarts - University Of Toronto, Brussels. Bibliothèque Royale De Belgique. Section Des Manuscrits, Joseph Van Den Gheyn, Émile Wagemans, Frédéric Lyna, Eugène Bacha