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A collection which considers the crucial role of radio in small nations, presenting diverse voices and diverse themes and held together by passionate and scrupulous research.
Radio in Small Nations: An Introduction 1 Richard J. Hand and Mary Traynor 1 In Search of Access, Localness and Sustainability: Radio in Post-devolutionary Wales Steve Johnson and Philip Mitchell 2 Voice of a Nation: The Development of Radio and Ireland Rosemary Day 3 We Don't Talk Any More: The Strange Case of Scottish Broadcasting Devolution Policy and Radio Silence Ken Garner 4 New Zealand - A Radio Paradise? Brian Pauling 5 Radio as an Expression of Nation and Sub - nation in Laos Mary Traynor 6 Training for Life: The Contribution of Radio Training to Indigenous Education and Well-being in Australia Ioana Suciu and Kitty van Vuuren 7 CHOU Arabic Radio in Montreal: Finding Unity in Diversity Martin LoMonaco 8 Regional Radio and Community: John Lair and the Renfro Valley Barn Dance Jacob J. Podber 9 Community Radio for the Czech Republic - Who Cares? Henry G. Loeser 10 Radio in the Republic of Moldova: The Struggle for Public Service Broadcasting James Stewart 11 Radio in Wales: The Practitioner Speaks Julie Kissick and Mary Traynor Works Cited Interviews
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Date de parution

15 novembre 2012

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Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Radio in Small Nations Production, Programmes, Audiences
Edited by Richard J. Hand and Mary Traynor
University of Wales Press
GlObàl MEDIà ànD Smàll NàTIOns
ProductioN, ProGraMMeS, audieNceS
Edited by richard J. haNd ànD Mary trayNor
© The Contrîbutors, 2012
A rîghts reserved. No part o thîs book may be reproduced în any materîa orm (încudîng photocopyîng or storîng ît în any medîum by eectronîc means and whether or not transîenty or încîdentay to some other use o thîs pubîcatîon) wîthout the wrîtten permîssîon o the copyrîght owner except în accordance wîth the provîsîons o the Copyrîght, Desîgns and Patents Act 1988. Appîcatîons or the copyrîght owner’s wrîtten permîssîon to reproduce any part o thîs pubîcatîon shoud be addressed to The Unîversîty o Waes Press, 10 Coumbus Wak, Brîgantîne Pace, Cardî CF10 4UP.
Brîtîsh Lîbrary Cataoguîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data A cataogue record or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Brîtîsh îbrary.
ïSBN 978-0-7083-2543-8 e-ïSBN 978-0-7083-2544-5
The rîght o the Contrîbutors to be îdentîîed as authors o thîs work has been asserted by them în accordance wîth sectîons 77, 78 and 79 o the Copyrîght, Desîgns and Patents Act 1988.
Typeset by Marîe Doherty Prînted by MPG Group, Bodmîn, Cornwa
et us start wîth the obvîous questîon. What îs the deInîtîon o a sma natîon? The honest answer o course îs that there are many approaches to such deInîtîons, rangîng rom the more obvîous meas-ures o popuatîon and geographîc scae to more subte measures such as Gross Natîona Product or Mîrosav Hroch’s notîon o ‘subjectîon to a ruîng natîon or such a ong perîod that the reatîon o subjectîon took on a structura character or both partîes’ (cîted în Hjort and Petrîe, 2007: 6). Thîs serîes’ conceptua ramework îs much coser to the ast o these deInîtîons and, în some ways, chooses to take the îdea urther în the way that ît eaves open the opportunîty or voumes on dîferent orms o medîa and cuture to adopt subty dîferent approaches. ïn Mette Hjort and Duncan Petrîe’s coectîon,The Cînema o Sma Natîons, the authors îumînate a sîmîar debate o theîr own by cîtîng a sectîon în Davîd Bordwe and Krîstîn Thompson’s deInîtîveFîm Hîstory: An ïntroductîonentîted ‘Smaer producîng countrîes’. Thîs încuded work on thecînemas o Mexîco, ïndîa, Coombîa, New Zeaand, Austraîa and Canada (2007: 3). Here îs not the pace to debate the vaîdîty o thîsspecîIc îst, but ît îustrates the probem as we as the useu and înter-estîng chaenge o consîderîng the concept o sma natîonhood îndîferent ways. Fundamentay, the serîes îs most înterested în the natîon as a key sîte o power and, în turn, how artîsts and poîcy makers negotîate the questîon o power în dîferent kînds o natîona contexts. Thereore, î Hroch’s deInîtîon above îs sîghty too rîgîd or thîs purpose ît never-theess îndîcates the genera terraîn on whîch thîs serîes operates. ït attempts to gîve contrîbutors the opportunîty to wrîte about natîona contexts wîthîn whîch partîcuar art orms have had to negotîate sîg-nîIcant questîons o power reatîons wîth cose neîghbours at key poînts în recent hîstory. The orm that such ‘negotîatîons’ have taken obvîousy varîes. For exampe, very cose to home, here în the Unîted Kîngdom, the îssue o anguage has been a poweru actor în the reatîonshîp between Waes and Engand în partîcuar. The same îs true to a greater or esser extent wîthîn other European countrîes such as Spaîn and Begîum.
Radio in Small Nations
By contrast, în the context o ‘Fîrst Natîons’, whîch we have taken the decîsîon to încude în thîs serîes, anguage îs requenty just one dîmensîon o a ong hîstory o much broader strugges characterîzed most pressîngy by varîous orms o materîa înequaîtîes and undamen-ta dîsputes over and and ownershîp. At thîs poînt ît îs very împortant to state that thîs serîes îs not con-cerned soey wîth the dîsadvantages o sma natîona contexts. ï any-thîng the baance îs somewhat în the other dîrectîon, though there îs no questîon that many contrîbutîons wî anayse the chaenges o the kînds o power reatîonshîps outîned above. However, one o the Irst înspîratîons or the edîtors’ învovement both în the serîes and în the study o sma natîons în genera was the îdea o the advantages o sma natîona contexts, partîcuary or certaîn kînds o creatîve endeavour. Hjort and Petrîe quote Oafson rom a work that was one o the Irst to make a sîgnîIcant înterventîon în thîs dîrectîon: ‘the cîtîzen o a sma state has a better possîbîîty to înLuence decîsîon makîng than a cîtîzen în a arge state’ (2007: 7). For the socîay and poîtîcay engagedartîst or cutura thînker thîs ofers the most potent o opportunîtîes and îs one o the key reasons why the contrîbutîons to thîs serîes have the potentîa to ofer such împortant însîghts. At the tîme o wrîtîng, the voume o academîc work on the medîa and cuture o sma natîons îs reatîvey sîght. We have aready men-tîoned Hjort and Petrîe’s coectîon on cînema, and the bîbîographîes o a the coectîons în thîs serîes wî attest to a number o outstand-îng smaer-scae însîghts în dîferent dîscîpînes. The aîm o the Sma Natîons and Goba Medîa serîes îs to brîng some o that work together în a sînge recognîzabe source that hopes to make a sîgnîIcant contrî-butîon not ony to debates specîIcay on creatîve endeavour and sma natîons, but by extensîon to the reatîonshîp between the îdea o the ‘natîona’ and the medîa and cuture that îs produced în dîferent kînds o natîona contexts.
Steve Bandord and Gî Aard
Genera Edîtors’ Foreword About the Contrîbutors
Radîo în Sma Natîons: An ïntroductîon Rîchard J. Hand and Mary Traynor 1 ïn Search o Access, ocaness and Sustaînabîîty: Radîo în Post-devoutîonary Waes Steve Johnson and Phîîp Mîtche
2 Voîce o a Natîon: The Deveopment o Radîo and ïreand Rosemary Day 3 We Don’t Tak Any More: The Strange Case o Scottîsh Broadcastîng Devoutîon Poîcy and Radîo Sîence Ken Garner
4 New Zeaand – A Radîo Paradîse? Brîan Pauîng
5 Radîo as an Expressîon o Natîon and Sub-natîon în aos Mary Traynor 6 Traînîng or îe: The Contrîbutîon o Radîo Traînîng to ïndîgenous Educatîon and We-beîng în Austraîa ïoana Sucîu and Kîtty van Vuuren
7 CHOU Arabîc Radîo în Montrea: Fîndîng Unîty în Dîversîty Martîn LoMonaco 8 Regîona Radîo and Communîty: John aîr and theRenro Vaey Barn DanceJacob J. Podber
9 Communîty Radîo or the Czech Repubîc – Who Cares? Henry G. Loeser
v îx
Radio in Small Nations
10 Radîo în the Repubîc o Modova: The Strugge or Pubîc Servîce Broadcastîng James Stewart
11 Radîo în Waes: The Practîtîoner Speaks Juîe Kîssîck and Mary Traynor
Works Cîted ïntervîews ïndex
171 192 195
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Radio in Small Nations


Radio in Small Nations

Radio in Small Nations Alternate Text


Sciences humaines et sociales

Radio in Small Nations


214 pages



Radio in Small Nations


Radio in Small Nations

Radio in Small Nations Alternate Text


Sciences humaines et sociales

Radio in Small Nations


105 pages



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