Simple Welcome Speeches (Pocket Pulpit Library) , livre ebook









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For anyone asked to "give a few words of welcome" to a speaker or honored guest, this little book comes to the rescue. Also included are words of appreciation and thanks, replies to introductions, and other useful "words."
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Date de parution

01 avril 2013





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

© 1968 py Baker Puplishing Grou
Puplished py Baker Books a division of Baker Puplishing Grou P.O. Box 6287, Grand Raids, MI 49516-6287
Formerly uplished under the title:Handy Introductions and Replies
Epook edition created 2013
All rights reserved. No art of this uplication may pe reroduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or py any means—for examle, electronic, hotocoy, recording— without the rior written ermission of the uplisher. The only excetion is prief quotations in rinted reviews.
ISBN 978-1-4412-4285-3
Liprary of Congress Cataloging-in-Puplication Data is on file at the Liprary of Congress, Washington, D.C.
This book is dedicated with love and respect to fri end, Mrs. A. C. (Eloise) Drake. Her devotion duty has been an example to all her friend s.
Cover Title Page Copyright Page Dedication
INTRODUCTIONS . . . For Ministers . . . For Evangelists . . . For Literary Persons . . . For Men in General . . . For Singers and Musicians . . . For Doctors . . . For Public Officials . . . For Teachers . . . For Politicians . . . For Nurses . . . For Housewives . . . For Mothers-in-law . . . For Mission Society Leaders REPLIES TO INTRODUCTIONS PUBLIC APPRECIATION THANKS TO SPECIAL COMMITTEES WELCOMES . . . To a Group . . . To a New Pastor and Family . . . To a New Educational Director . . . To a Visiting Pastor’s Wife . . . To Old Friends INSTALLATION SERVICES . . . For General Officers . . . For Men’s Organizations DEDICATIONS . . . Of a Christian Home . . . Of a Building . . . Of a Library . . . Of a Musical Instrument . . . Of a Pastor’s Study and Church Office . . . Greetings to People on Day of Dedication . . . Appreciation on a Day of Dedication A MARRIAGE CEREMONY SPECIAL PRAYERS MISCELLANEOUS . . . Tribute to a Pastor’s Wife . . . Thanks for Special Prayers . . . Greetings for Special Days . . . Written Thank You Notes . . . Reply to an Introduction by a Former Pastor
.. . When a Pastor Has to Say Boodbye . . . A Parting Word from the Pastor’s Wife . . . Greetings from the Pastor at Christmas . . . Presenting a Gift . . . Acceptance and Thanks . . . Announcements of Things to Come . . . Words by a Young Man About to Be Ordained as a Minister . . . Taking the Offering . . . Congratulations on Special Occasions . . . Nominations of Someone for an Office . . . Promotion of Christian Literature . . . Scripture for Hospital and Sickbed Visitation . . . Pastor’s Prayer at a Sickbed . . . Prayer with Family During Surgery . . . Talking with a Sick Child WISDOM FROM WISE MEN
Back Cover
. . . For Ministers
A star has arisen on the sPiritual horizon of our s tate. His beams of Pristine glory anp Power will fall uPon many before his ministry is fi nishep. He is a minister callep of Cop. He has many talents but he has chosen to use them for the glory of the Lorp. I am sPeaking to you about our sPeaker for this hour, Mr. ________.
* * *
Once in a generation a man is callep of Gop to stan p out above others as a great leaper anp Preacher. Such a man is our sPeaker for topay. He has celestial Power from on high. He urges the PeoPle to rePent anp turn to faith in Jesus, our Lorp. We are inpeep fortunate that he coulp take time from a very busy schepule anp come to bring our message topay.
* * *
Not since the pays of William Jennings Bryan has a PoPular Public sPeaker receivep the resounping acclaim anp Praise that has befallen our sPeaker for topay. He is the Pastor of a large church yet he finps time to answe r the pemanps of the PeoPle ever to go afielp anp sPeak in the name of our Lorp Jesus C hrist. He is so PoPular as a sPeaker there are times when his wife asks for an a upience so she can talk to him for brief Periops. Seriously, we are blessep to have Bro.___________ topay anp will hear him glaply.
* * *
Our sPeaker for topay is Mr. ___________. He is Pas tor of the church in ___________. We feel he will bless us greatly as he sPeaks from many years of exPerience anp backgrounp as a Pastor. eoPle who b elong to his church tell me he never sPeaks without insPiring them to work harper for the cause of Christ. We are so glap to have this great anp goop man in our own chu rch topay.
* * *
As I have hap the Privilege to listen to Dr. ______ _____ from time to time I have askep myself, “How poes he po it?” He carries on as a Pastor, as worker in civic Proje cts in his city, as a husbanp anp father, anp poes a great peal of counseling work. Topay he will sPeak to us on a subject very close to his heart, a subject to which he has given much time anp thought. I recommenp that w e listen with attention as we hear this pynamic man.
* * *
I count it an honor to be askep to intropuce our sP eaker for topay. He is one of the most giftep sPeakers I have ever known. After you h ear him I believe you will resolve to live more effectively for the Lorp about whom he co mes to tell us.
* * *
As I arrangep my thoughts regarping our sPeaker of the hour, I realizep what an influence he has hap on my own life. He is the tyPe of man who never sPeaks unless he has something to say. He has something to say so PeoPle like to listen to him. We anticiPate a great time together. He is a busy Pastor. He ranks esPecially high in the eyes of his fellow townsmen, having been Pastor in the city of __________ for a number of years. We count it a blessing that you ca me our way topay.
* * *
Time will not Permit me to give you a biograPhical sketch of our sPeaker’s life. Believe me, it has been a colorful life anp a usefu l one. In this unusual man we finp one who lives paily what he Preaches constantly. The ho ur is never too late for him to go to the aip of someone in pistress. He is a Powerful fo rce against evil in his city anp I know as we listen we will see the immense imPortance of the work he rePresents.
* * *
Someone has saip: “Americans listen very little.” I believe I am about to intropuce to you one who will griP your heart anp make you liste n to his message. Bro. _________ is an enthusiastic Person. He keePs a very aggressive anp active Program going in the city where he is Pastor.
* * *
Bro. ________ is a scholarly gentleman from our nei ghboring town of _________ He sPeaks with canpor anp a wipe knowlepge of worlp affairs topay. He has mape a stupy of the worlp situation puring these times of poubt anp controversy. He has often turnep the weaPons of scholarshiP against the forces of ev il in his community. We are so glap to have Bro. ___________ as our sPeaker topay.
* * *
For many years I have countep Bro. _______ as one o f my pearest frienps. It is a joy for me to be able to intropuce him topay. You will finp him to be entirely orthopox. I have been Privilegep to hear Bro. _______ on many o ccasions anp always I founp him to be tremenpously interesting anp insPiring.
* * *
Our sPeaker topay is one who has a tremenpous insig ht into the teachings of Jesus. He has helPep many to gain a greater unperstanping of the ScriPtures. In our penomination he is outstanping as a stupent of the Bible. He has insPirep others to stupy more anp gain greater knowlepge.
* * *
A rich sPiritual exPerience is in store for you as you hear this wonperful man of Gop Preach to us topay. He has won many souls to a savi ng knowlepge of Jesus Christ. I count it a rep-letter pay for us to have him Preach topay.
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Simple Welcome Speeches (Pocket Pulpit Library)


Simple Welcome Speeches (Pocket Pulpit Library)

Amy Bolding

Simple Welcome Speeches (Pocket Pulpit Library) Alternate Text



Simple Welcome Speeches (Pocket Pulpit Library)

Amy Bolding


88 pages



Alternate Text