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Date de parution
28 mai 2012
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Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
Principles and Practice of Surgery is the surgical companion textbook to the international medical bestseller Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It is a comprehensive textbook for both the surgical student and trainee, guiding the reader through key core surgical topics which are encountered throughout an integrated medical curriculum as well as in subsequent clinical practice. Although sharing the same format and style as Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, this text is complete in itself, thus enabling the student to appreciate both the medical and surgical implications of diseases encountered in surgical wards.
.Publié par
Date de parution
28 mai 2012
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
Principles & Practice of Surgery
Sixth Edition
O. James Garden, BSc MB ChB MD FRCS(Glas) FRCS(Ed) FRCP(Ed) FRACS(Hon) FRCSCan(Hon)
Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery, Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh
Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
Andrew W. Bradbury, BSc MB ChB MD MBA FRCS(Ed)
Sampson Gamgee Professor of Vascular Surgery and Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham
Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
John L.R. Forsythe, MD FRCS(Ed) FRCS(Eng)
Consultant Transplant and Endocrine Surgeon, Transplant Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Honorary Professor, Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh, UK
Rowan W. Parks, MB BCh BAO MD FRCSI FRCS(Ed)
Professor of Surgical Sciences, Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh
Honorary Consultant Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
Churchill Livingstone
Table of Contents
Cover image
Title page
Section 1: Principles of Perioperative Care
Chapter 1: Metabolic response to injury, fluid and electrolyte balance and shock
Chapter 2: Transfusion of blood components and plasma products
Chapter 3: Nutritional support in surgical patients
Chapter 4: Infections and antibiotics
Chapter 5: Ethics, preoperative considerations, anaesthesia and analgesia
Chapter 6: Principles of the surgical management of cancer
Chapter 7: Trauma and multiple injury
Chapter 8: Practical procedures and patient investigation
Chapter 9: Postoperative care and complications
Chapter 10: Day surgery
Section 2: Gastrointestinal Surgery
Chapter 11: The abdominal wall and hernia
Chapter 12: The acute abdomen and intestinal obstruction
Chapter 13: The oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
Chapter 14: The liver and biliary tract
Chapter 15: The pancreas and spleen
Chapter 16: The small and large intestine
Chapter 17: The anorectum
Section 3: Surgical Specialties
Chapter 18: Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Chapter 19: The breast
Chapter 20: Endocrine surgery
Chapter 21: Vascular and endovascular surgery
Chapter 22: Cardiothoracic surgery
Chapter 23: Urological surgery
Chapter 24: Neurosurgery
Chapter 25: Transplantation surgery
Chapter 26: Ear, nose and throat surgery
Chapter 27: Orthopaedic surgery
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein).
First edition 1985
Second edition 1991
Third edition 1995
Fourth edition 2002
Fifth edition 2007
Sixth edition 2012
ISBN 978-0-7020-4316-1
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary.
Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility.
With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions.
To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.
Printed in China
The sixth edition of Principles and Practice of Surgery continues to build on the success and popularity of previous editions and its companion volume Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine . Many medical schools now deliver undergraduate curricula which focus principally on ensuring generic knowledge and skills, but the continuing success of Principles and Practice of Surgery over the last 25 years indicates that there remains a need for a textbook which is relevant to current surgical practice. We believe that this text provides a ready source of information for the medical student, for the recently qualified doctor on the surgical ward and for the surgical trainee who requires an up-to-date overview of the management approach to surgical pathology. This book should guide the student and trainee through the key core surgical topics which will be encountered within an integrated undergraduate curriculum, in the early years of surgical training and in subsequent clinical practice.
We have striven to improve the format of the text and layout of information. Considerable effort has also been put into improving the quality of the radiographs and illustrations.
It is our intention that this edition is relevant to doctors and surgeons practising in other parts of the world. The four editors welcome the contributions of Professors Venkatramani Sitaram and Pawanindra Lal whose remit as co-editors on our associated International Edition is to ensure the book’s content is fit for purpose in those parts of the world where disease patterns and management approaches may differ.
We remain indebted to the founders of this book, Professors Sir Patrick Forrest, Sir David Carter and Mr Ian Macleod who established the reputation of the textbook with students and doctors around the world. We are grateful to Laurence Hunter of Elsevier for his encouragement and enthusiasm and to Ailsa Laing for keeping our contributors and the editorial team in line during all stages of publication.
We very much hope that this edition continues the tradition and high standards set by our predecessors and that the revised content and presentation of the sixth edition satisfies the needs of tomorrow’s doctors.
Edinburgh and Birmingham, 2012
Issaq Ahmed, MRCS BEng
Orthopaedic Registrar, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
Derek Alderson, MB BS MD FRCS
Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Barling Chair of Surgery, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and University of Birmingham College of Medical and Dental Sciences, School of Cancer Sciences, Birmingham, UK
Andrew W. Bradbury, BSc MB ChB MD MBA FRCS(Ed)
Sampson Gamgee Professor of Vascular Surgery and Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham
Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
Gordon L. Carlson, BSc MD FRCS
Consultant Surgeon, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Professor of Surgery, University of Manchester
Honorary Professor of Biomedical Science, University of Salford, UK
C. Ross Carter, MB ChB FRCS MD FRCS(Gen)
Consultant Pancreaticobiliary Surgeon, West of Scotland Pancreatic Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
Trevor J. Cleveland, BMedSci BM BS FRCS FRCR
Consultant Vascular Radiologist, Sheffield Vascular Institute, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK
Andrew C. de Beaux, MB ChB MD FRCS
Consultant General and Oesophagogastric Surgeon
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK
J. Michael Dixon, BSc MBChB MD FRCS FRCS(Ed) FRCP
Consultant Surgeon and Honorary Professor, Edinburgh Breast Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
Malcolm G. Dunlop, MB ChB FRCS MD FMedSci
Professor of Coloproctology, University of Edinburgh
Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Coloproctology Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
Kenneth C.H. Fearon, MD FRCS(Gen)
Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Edinburgh
Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Steven M. Finney, MB ChB MD FRCS(Urol)
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Blackpool, UK