Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward , livre ebook









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As we begin to fundamentally redefine our world, informed through the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) lens, entire industries are gearing up for this disruptive event. Library practices have been no exception. With the advent of advanced digital technology, knowledge is becoming more readily accessible. This book focuses on how libraries need to respond, adapt, and transform to become meaningful spaces in our rapidly changing 21st century, within the 4IR and coupled with the restrictions of the pandemic. Tracing the evolution of technology over the centuries, the changing role of the library as a response to disruptions is discussed.
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27 juin 2022

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6 Mo

Academic Libraries
Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward
Anette Janse van Vuren (Ed)
Academîc Lîbrarîes: Reflectîng on Crîsîs, the Fourth Industrîal Revolutîon and the Way Forward
Pubîshed by UJ Press Unîversîty o Johannesburg Lîbrary Auckand Park Kîngsway Campus PO Box 524 Auckand Park 2006 https://ujonî
Compîatîon © Anette Janse van Vuren 2022 Chapters © Indîvîdua contrîbutors 2022 Pubîshed Edîtîon © Anette Janse van Vuren 2022
Fîrst pubîshed 2022
978-1-991223-87-6 (Paperback) 978-1-7764023-0-4 (PDF) 978-1-7764023-1-1 (EPUB) 978-1-7764023-2-8 (XML)
Thîs pubîcatîon had been submîtted to a rîgorous doube-bînd peer-revîew process prîor to pubîcatîon and a recommendatîons by the revîewers were consîdered and împemented beore pubîcatîon.
Copy edîtor: Wîem Oîvîer Cover desîgn: Hester Roets, UJ Graphîc Desîgn Studîo Typeset în 9/13pt Merrîweather Lîght
Preface ..................................................................................................... Anette Janse van Vuren
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Academic Library Practices ..................................................................................... Tshilidzi Marwala
Steering and Rowing through a Crisis ................................................ 13
Pandemîc Leadershîp în Hîgher Educatîon
Kirti Menon, Angina Parekh & Saurabh Sinha
Quality Assuring Unknown Territory .................................................. 33 Revîewîng the Unîversîty o Johannesburg’s Pandemîc Teachîng and Learnîng Approach
Kirti Menon & Gloria Castrillón
From Online Learning to Digital Transformation ............................. 57 The New Unîversîty Norma
Dhanjay Jhurry & Rubina D Rampersad
The Shifting and Changing Research Landscape and the Academic Librarian’s Response .......................................................... 77 Mathew Moyo
Technologies in Two Academic Libraries During the Covid-19 Pandemic ................................................................................ 95
The Case o the Ama Jordan Lîbrary and the Open Campus Lîbrarîes and Inormatîon Servîces, The Unîversîty o the West Indîes
Cheryl Peltier-Davis, Jolie Rajah & Marsha Winter
Smart Academic Libraries ..................................................................... 115 Possîbîîtîes Through the Appîcatîon o the Internet o Thîngs
Lorette Jacobs
On Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Coproduction of Knowledge ............................................................... 137
A Case Study o the Makers Vaey Partnershîp
Inolofatseng Lekaba, Trynos Gumbo & Kammila Naidoo
The Role of the Library in Actualising United Nation Sustainable Development Goals in South Africa .............................. 161 Olawumi O. Sadare, Kapil Moothi & Michael O. Daramola
Virtual Information Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Makerere University Library, Uganda ................................................. 181 Ruth Nalumaga, Helen Byamugisha, Caroline Kobusingye & Patrick Sekikome
The Courage to Lead with Small Things like Kindness .................... 205 Maria Frahm-Arp, Nomoya Mahlangu, Kgona Matlakala, Ditebogo Mogakane & Ivy M. Segoe
Anette Janse van Vuren
The academîc îbrary has or many years been at the heart o unîversîtîes and by and arge managed to deveop în tandem wîth theîr parent înstîtutîons. They have aways had an essentîa roe în supportîng teachîng and earnîng at hîgher educatîon înstîtutîons. However, sînce the 1960s, there has aso been constant predîctîons that îbrarîes wî become redundant and atey, that they wî be changed beyond a recognîtîon. None o these predîctîons about îrreevance has come true, as îbrarîes, and especîay academîc îbrarîes, have had to change and adapt to new cîrcumstances and especîay new technoogîes at an ever-încreasîng rate. The ast rate o change and deveopment started wîth the dîgîta age or the Thîrd Industrîa Revoutîon and îs currenty cumînatîng în the dîsruptîve wake o the Fourth Industrîa Revoutîon (4IR), ueed by the even more dîsruptîve împact o the COVID-19 pandemîc. The Unîversîty o Johannesburg (UJ) îs actîvey engagîng wîth the chaenges and opportunîtîes înherent în the 4IR, and în 2018 the UJ Lîbrary embarked on a serîes o înternatîona conerences on thîs topîc to acîîtate dîscussîon between academîc îbrarîes. The 2019 conerence,The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Library Practices, expored the roe o academîc îbrarîes and how they needed to adapt to the advent o a new era o îndustrîa deveopment, based on înterconnectîvîty and smart automatîon. Towards the end o 2019, the COVID-19 pandemîc started to dîsrupt the word and ît hît South Arîca în u orce by March 2020, orcîng the country, îke the rest o the word, înto ockdown. Academîc îbrarîes had perorce to cose theîr physîca spaces and rey on provîdîng access to înormatîon and earnîng support by means o theîr dîgîta coectîons and servîces ony. The UJ Lîbrary contînued îts engagement wîth the changîng word o work and hosted a second înternatîona conerence,From Zero to Hero – Rising to the Challenge in a Time o Crisis. The conerence was hosted în partnershîp wîth the Assocîatîon o Commonweath Unîversîtîes (ACU). The ocus was on sharîng storîes o dîicutîes, dîsruptîon, and aîures, and how these chaenges were used as a means o growth and deveopment. A thîrd conerence în partnershîp wîth the ACU oowed în 2021 and thîs tîme the ocus was onConversations about the Journey o Change: a “New Normal.”Contrîbutors tod the story o how academîc îbrarîes became uy întegrated vîrtua and physîca spaces în a very short span o tîme.
Academic Libraries: Reecting on Crisis, 4IR and the Way Forward
They managed to buîd addîtîona capabîîtîes, and deveop new servîces and înnovatîve ways to support theîr users durîng very unusua cîrcumstances. The chapters încuded în thîs coectîonare based on a seectîon o papers înîtîay deîvered at these conerences. Contrîbutors are rom South Arîca, Uganda, Maurîtîus, and the West Indîes. The împortance o thîs voume cannot be overemphasîsed. It reflects on how academîc îbrarîes are movîng rom tradîtîona and hybrîd academîc îbrarîanshîp to partîcîpatîng actîvey în the academîc envîronment created by the 4IR and the COVID-19 pandemîc. Robots are comîng to îbrarîes, Googe can find ‘anythîng,’ whîe socîa medîa îs aready wîdey used by technoogy smart students. Academîcs and academîc îbrarîes are engagîng wîth these deveopments and harnessîng ît to ensure a reevant and productîve uture or themseves.
Johannesburg March 2022
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