The typology of scripture : viewed in connection with the whole series of the divine dispensations








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\STUDIA IN /THE LIBRARYofUNIVERSITYVICTORIATorontoTHETYPOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE:VIEWED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WHOLE SERIES OKDIVINE DISPENSATIONSTHEHYPATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D.D.,AND PROFESSOR OF FREE CHURCH GLASGOW.PRINCIPAL,, DIVINITY, COLLEGE,In Testamento novum et in novo vetusvetere latet, patet.IN LXXIII.AUGUST. QU.*:ST. Ex.VOLUME I.FOURTH EDITION.EDINBURGH:T. & T. GEORGE STREET.CLARK, 38,ROBERTSON & CO.LONDON: & CO. DUBLIN: JOHNHAMILTON, ADAMS,MDCCCLXIV.IfcU.AND EDINBURGH.MURRAY GIBli, PKINTERS,PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION.THE issue of a Fourth Edition of the howTreatise,followingever in one is in another notgratifying respect, unaccompaniedwith a measure of This arises from the number ofregret.alterations which it has been found to intointroducenecessaryand which will of toit, naturally prove injurious consequencethe Editions that have in no alternativepreceded. But, truth,was left if the work was to with the andme, keep pace age,maintain the it in the earlier ofrelatively place occupied stagesits existence. When I first to the the fruit ofgave public mythe of notinvestigations upon subject Scripture Typology, onlywas there ofgreat diversity opinion among theologians respectingits fundamental but connectedprinciples, many specific topicswith it were to receive the benefit of modernonly beginningresearch and It is much otherwise now.independent inquiry.Even the last ten since the Second Edition wasduring years,from which the ...
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\STUDIA IN / THE LIBRARY of UNIVERSITYVICTORIA Toronto THE TYPOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE: VIEWED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WHOLE SERIES OK DIVINE DISPENSATIONSTHE HY PATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D.D., AND PROFESSOR OF FREE CHURCH GLASGOW.PRINCIPAL,, DIVINITY, COLLEGE, In Testamento novum et in novo vetusvetere latet, patet. IN LXXIII.AUGUST. QU.*:ST. Ex. VOLUME I. FOURTH EDITION. EDINBURGH: T. & T. GEORGE STREET.CLARK, 38, ROBERTSON & CO.LONDON: & CO. DUBLIN: JOHNHAMILTON, ADAMS, MDCCCLXIV. IfcU . AND EDINBURGH.MURRAY GIBli, PKINTERS, PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. THE issue of a Fourth Edition of the howTreatise,following ever in one is in another not gratifying respect, unaccompanied with a measure of This arises from the number of regret. alterations which it has been found to intointroducenecessary and which will of toit, naturally prove injurious consequence the Editions that have in no alternativepreceded. But, truth, was left if the work was to with the andme, keep pace age, maintain the it in the earlier ofrelatively place occupied stages its existence. When I first to the the fruit ofgave public my the of notinvestigations upon subject Scripture Typology, only was there ofgreat diversity opinion among theologians respecting its fundamental but connected principles, many specific topics with it were to receive the benefit of modernonly beginning research and It is much otherwise now.independent inquiry. Even the last ten since the Second Edition wasduring years, from which the Third did notpublished, materially differ, in considerable number and haveproductions, very variety, on the in which certainappeared, especially Continent, portions of the field have been to careful examination notsubjected have become the occasion of earnest ;unfrequently controversy and to have sent forth another Edition of withoutmy Treatise, had to the fresh thatdiscussions have takenregard being place, PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. would have been into leave it a state ofonly imperfect adapta to the times.tion present It is to that the alterations in proper mention, however, have to the literature of the and modes question respect subject of on rather than to the views representation particular parts, and which have been exhibited in connection with its principles treatment. These have no essential altera general undergone tion with the of a few minor which ; indeed, exception points, it is to remain much as unnecessary particularize, they they were in the two last Editions. The of how progress discussion, with its tides of called for an ever, varying opinion, naturally the historical review in theextension of introductory chapter, has been with a in some ofwhich coupled slight abridgment its earlier and in the later with a of the condetails, softening troversial which seemed to too keentone, occasionally possess an The which in certain influentialviews, also,edge. quarters have of late been the relation of God sventilated, respecting work in creation to the destined incarnation of the Son, appeared render the introduction of a new fourth in Vol.chapter (the almost that the with reference moreI.) indispensible, subject, to its receive the conespecially typological bearing, might sideration that was due to it. These with some otheradditions, out of and the of a somethem,changes growing employment what for the Notes and have larger type Appendices, together ofan about to the Firstfiftybrought enlargement pages Volume. The alterations in the Second more numeVolume, though extensive in toare not so of matterrous, quite respect quantity ; of more where suchand, consisting compressed statements,partly have not addedwere to thethey verypracticable, materially occur mostentire bulk of the Volume. in theThey frequently PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. 5 which treat of the institutions and of theportions offerings Mosaic on which there has been much discuseconomy, recently sion in the the relation of; and, particular, question respecting the to of a moral kind sec.sin-offerings transgressions (Ch. III., and the in one or two of thehandled are5), topics Appendices, here for the first time considered. On theformally whole, I trust hasit will be found that the work both in formbeen, and and now;substance, materially havingimproved again for the last traversed the field with some care,(probably time) and what be considered matured views expressed may my on the embraced in I leave the fruit of labours it,topics my to the candid consideration of and commend it anew others, to the of Him whose word it seeks to and blessing explain vindicate. As the in the of regards general plan pursued investigation the I have in substance to what was said inonlysubject, repeat editions. It no have been toprevious doubt,might, practicable narrow at various the field of anddiscussion,points especially to the devoted to the consideration of the law in abridge space ifVolume Second some have(which thought disproportionate), the had been to extract from the earlierobject dispensasimply tions such as more a charactypicalportions peculiarly possess ter. But to have treated the in such an isolated manner typical would have conduced little either to the elucidation of the sub of Theor to the satisfactionject itself, thoughtful inquirers. at on itsof the Old Testament touches every pointTypology ofand It is of a complicated systemreligion worship. part a correct distruth and and it is to attain to ;duty impossible cernment and due of the several withoutparts,appreciation in relation bear both to each otherthem thecontemplating they and to the whole. Hence the aim of the work is to professed b PREFACE THETO FOURTH EDITION. view the of not in connectionbutTypology Scripture, by itself, with the entire series of the Divine dispensations. exIt is some that there is an occasionalthink,possible may thantreme on the other and that less has been saidside, might have been on certain controversial which justly expected topics, are ever afresh into and which if not theirnotice, find,rising at least a considerable of their in theview that root, part support, taken of to the institutions of former things pertaining The of a work of this sort is hermeneuticalhowever,proper aim, and indeedand rather than controversial : it may,expository, of Testato the foundation for a use Old ought, lay legitimate ment to the settlement of variousmaterials, important questions actual of theto Christian times but the; applicationbelonging ofmaterials to the diversified discussion,phases polemical In certain cases theto other of theology.belongs departments and that it could not beis so natural obvious, fitlyapplication but in these it had been toavoided even; improper go beyond narrow limits and if I have not erred ; excess,comparatively by I think critics will consider me to have done scarcely judicious so themore limited is the relation in whichStill inquiry pur to the muchsued in a work like the stands agitatedpresent of the earlier books ofthe historical verityquestion respecting to the and truthfulnessand in authenticityScripture, particular not a fewof the books of Moses. Incidentally, opportunities and to some extent thehave occurred of noticing, repelling, that have been thrown out the subject. But,objections upon historicalwas to take for theas a itrule, necessary granted thesacred records fromtruthfulness of the ; for, realityapart thereinof the transactionsand Divine character related, Typo to stand Thein sense has no foundationthe upon.logy proper
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