\STUDIA IN /THE LIBRARYofUNIVERSITYVICTORIATorontoTHETYPOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE:VIEWED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WHOLE SERIES OKDIVINE DISPENSATIONSTHEHYPATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D.D.,AND PROFESSOR OF FREE CHURCH GLASGOW.PRINCIPAL,, DIVINITY, COLLEGE,In Testamento novum et in novo vetusvetere latet, patet.IN LXXIII.AUGUST. QU.*:ST. Ex.VOLUME I.FOURTH EDITION.EDINBURGH:T. & T. GEORGE STREET.CLARK, 38,ROBERTSON & CO.LONDON: & CO. DUBLIN: JOHNHAMILTON, ADAMS,MDCCCLXIV.IfcU.AND EDINBURGH.MURRAY GIBli, PKINTERS,PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION.THE issue of a Fourth Edition of the howTreatise,followingever in one is in another notgratifying respect, unaccompaniedwith a measure of This arises from the number ofregret.alterations which it has been found to intointroducenecessaryand which will of toit, naturally prove injurious consequencethe Editions that have in no alternativepreceded. But, truth,was left if the work was to with the andme, keep pace age,maintain the it in the earlier ofrelatively place occupied stagesits existence. When I first to the the fruit ofgave public mythe of notinvestigations upon subject Scripture Typology, onlywas there ofgreat diversity opinion among theologians respectingits fundamental but connectedprinciples, many specific topicswith it were to receive the benefit of modernonly beginningresearch and It is much otherwise now.independent inquiry.Even the last ten since the Second Edition wasduring years,from which the ...