THE FRAGMENTSOP THE WOKK OFOF EPHESUSHEEACLITUSON NATURETRANSLATED FROM THE GREEK TEXT OF BYWATER,WITH AN HISTORICAL AND CRITICALINTRODUCTIONG. T. W. PH.D.PATRICK,IN THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWAPROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHYBALTIMOKEN. MURKAY18895JUGFB P3from the AMEKICAN JOUKNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 1888.][ReprintedIN THEA THESIS ACCEPTED FOR THE DEGREE OP DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYJOHNS HOPKINS 1888.UNIVERSITY,OF ISAAC FRIEDENWALD,BALTIMORE.I.all dreams areAll all true,thoughts, creeds,All visions wild and strange ;measure of all truthMan is theAll truth isUnto himself. change,in and allAll men do walk sleep,faith in that dream :Have theyare as seem toFor all all,things theylike aAnd all flow no 110There is calm, pause,rest,nor norNor norgood ill, light shade,:Nor essence nor eternal lawsbut all is made.For nothing is,all theseBut if I dream that are,I dreamare to me for that ;Theyall are as seem toFor all,things theyflow like a stream.And all thingsthis is trueopinion onlyArgal veryto therelatively flowing philosophers.TENNYSON.PREFACE.latest writers on GustavThe Heraclitus, namely,and Edmund have itTeichmiiller Pfleiderer, thoughtwith an forto their works apologynecessary prefaceHeracliticother to the literature,adding monographsfrom suchenriched treatisesby distinguishedalreadyand as Schleiermacher, Lassalle, Zeller,needsThat still other of Heraclitus, however,studytheseno will beadmittedwhen it is ...