mMlHIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XV.THE CATHOLIC CHURCHINWATERLOO COUNTYIBOOKWith a of the Diocese of Book andHamilton, II,Summary Historya List of the Who Labored in Its District fromClergythe to the Book III.Present,BeginningBYREV. THEOBALD D.D.SPETZ, C.R.,PRINTED AND FOR SALE BYTHE ANDCATHOLIC REGISTER EXTENSION1916foX'II1I AINihil Obstat:A. LeyesCensobes Deputati.Simon C.R.Winter,Guilelmus C.R.Benninger,IMPRIMATUR :C.R.P. Joannes Superior Generalis,Kasprcycki,Torontinus.McNeil, Archiepiscopus^NilusERRATAlinePage 20, below read instead ofillustration, Caveng Laveng.Page in third last line read Deitcr for Deitner.103,Page 105, below hand lower cut readright for Rozalski.RogalskiPage third last line read106, Rogalski for Rozalski.below hand lowerPage 108, right cut read Lahz for Lauz.222, on fourth last line after 1852Page cancel "58."226, In Acton read Oustic ofPage paragraph instead Onstic.Page 226, under read Halm forAyton paragraph, Hahn.227, under Croker read Cadot forPage Cape Cadou.Page 227, under read Halm forCarlsruhe, Hahn.under read Zettlvr forPage 228, Chepstow Zenler.Page under Durham read Hauck for229, Hanck; the same on page235 under St. Church.Joseph'sPage 236, under Markdale read Hau