PE3721F41890v.lRota,SLANGAND ITSANALOGUES.Seven Hundred and Fifty Copies only printed,which this is No.ofAND ,TSSLANGANALOGUESAND PRESENT.PASTOF THEA HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE,DICTIONARY,OF ALL CLASSES OF SOCIETYHETERODOX SPEECHFOR MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED YEARS.WITH SYNONYMS IN FRENCH, GERMAN,ENGLISH,ETC.ITALIAN,COMPILED AND EDITED BYJOHN S. FARMER,OFAUTHOR" ""Ex Oriente Lux" : 'Twixt Two Worlds."Americanisms Old and New" :V912. I. -A TO BYZ.ONLYPRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERSMDCCCXC.j-'". ...-..,PEV. IThe author will esteem it a favour to be furnished with examplesof cant or of kind or withslang together quotations,any nationality,etc.especially ones, derivation,early illustrating usage, meaning,All communications be addressed to S. careFARMER,may JOHNof A. P. Paternoster E.G.WATT, Esq., 2, London,Square,PREFATORY NOTE.E undertakes to athat compile dictionary,undertakes that if itwhich, comprehendsthe full extent of his he knowsdesign,to Yet hishimself unable useful,labours, though deficient, mayand with the of this inferior he must incitehope praise,his and solace his weariness." So wrote theactivity,Dr. in the "Advertisement"great lexicographer, Johnson,edition of his of theto the fourth Dictionary Englishin In another he hadplaceLanguage, published words which have since becometold, classical,alreadyof the difficulties he had and of his ownencountered,estimate of the of his work asshortcomings ...