COCDCMO):SII-coAND ITSSLANGANALOGUESAND PRESENTPASTWITH SYNONYMS IN ENGLISH FRENCH GERMANITALIAN ETC.COMPILED AND EDITED BYS. FARMER & W. E.JOHN HENLEY/VOL. V. N. TO RAZZLE-DAZZLEPRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLYMCMII.2. A hat a : also;(old). capAB siibs.(or NAP), NAB-CHEAT and NAPPER. SeeI(Old Cant). GOLGOTHA. B. E. (c. 1696) ;The head : also COLES BAILEY(1708) ; (1728) ;NAPPER. See DYCHE GROSE(1748) ; (1785) ;TlBBY. B. E. MATSELL (1859).c. ;( 1696)I to theI53 ~47- COPLAND, Hey-wayCOLES (1706) ;Spyttel-hous [HAZLITT, Early PopularBAILEY (1728) ; iv.]. His watch shall aPoetry, fengGROSE NAB-CHETE.(1785) ; JAMIESON (1880). prouncesE. T. Caveat E. T. S.1567. HARMAN, Caveat, (E. 1567. HARMAN, [E.S.),86. Now I tower that bene bouse makes I toure the strummel85]. upon thy(1869),nase NABES. NABCHET and Togman.1622.Lanthorne and FLETCHER, Beggar's Bush,\.,1609. DEKKER,i. We throw our first forWks.Candlelight [GROSAET, (1886), iii., up NAB-CHEAT,thenThe Ruffin the NAB of the And our filches.203]. cly joy,Harman beck.R. i.,1671. HEAD, English Rogue,v. s.v.1610. Martin Mark-all 51 (1874),ROWLANDS,Club.p. 39 [Hunt. s.v. ii.Repr.]. 1688. SHADWELL, Sq. ofAhatia,.[Works Sen. . .(1720), iv., 47]. Belf.1611. MIDDLETON and DEKKER,Here's a NABB ! never saw such a oneyouv. I. So NABRoaring Girl, my bousyin life. Cheat. A rum NABB : it isyourskew rome bouse.might a beaver of^5.1622. FLETCHER, Beggar's Bush, 1706. ~$KS.