1rRECORD SOCIETYSCOTTISHno 50PARISH LISTSOFAND MINNIGAFFWIGTOWNSHIREi684EDITED BYWI LLIAM SCOT.EDINBURGH :PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY SKINNER & LTD.J. COMPANY,1916.c^INTRODUCTION.The Lists to have been drawn in accordanceupfollowing appearof andwith instructions to the CuratesEpiscopalian GallowayDumfriesshire to furnish Nominal Rolls of all male orpersons,ofover the 12 resident within theirfemale, age years, respective— to their farms and house-grouped according residences,parishes"isand such as were thatholds, specially indicating irregular,"non-conforming.of"The Vol.The.author Sheriffs of II.,Hereditary Galloway,"refers to the extreme exercised the Curates in139, byp. leniencytheir reports.A is the number ofSummary appended showing apparent12 ofover -and the small numberpersons years age, very reported" "as or "recusant."irregular (Appendix I.)allowance has not been made in this forStatistical Summarysuch facts as that the Curate of Port Patrick mentions nameby"the head of the and his wife andhousehold, familymerely addingand it is no means certain thatand Romanservants," further, byCatholics were not from this Census. Thespecially exemptedwith the of that of Port to haveLists, Patrick,exception appearbeen drawn and to have been so far ascarefully up, completeand Parish were concerned.MinnigaffWigtownshireof the Vol. BookWodrow, Church," II.,"Sufferings III.,refers to the Porteous Rolls of earlier and316-317, date, quotespp ...