Knowledge, Productivity, and Innovation in Nigeria









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Nigeria has a bold national vision of becoming one of the world's top 20 economies by 2020. However, despite being the 8th most populous country in the world, it ranks 41st in terms of GDP and 161st in terms of GDP per capita. Nigeria has long depended on oil for its exports and government revenues. This dependence has led to rent seeking and a reluctance to examine potential avenues for economic diversification. The authors of 'Knowledge, Productivity, and Innovation in Nigeria' believe that the goal of becoming a top-twenty economy can only be achieved if Nigeria makes the transition to a new economy rooted in the 21st century that harnesses the power of knowledge and avoids a static oil-based growth strategy.
Knowledge has always been central to development, but new technologies have made it globally accessible. Countries such as the Republic of South Korea, India, and the United States that have exploited new technologies and know-how have pushed their innovation and productivity frontiers. Countries that have failed to do so risk remaining mired in poverty.
In order to achieve Vision 2020, Nigeria must move beyond the stop-start patterns of oil-based development that have characterized it since independence. It must create a stable and prosperous economy based on a critical mass of knowledge workers. Knowledge, Productivity, and Innovation in Nigeria examines how Nigeria can prepare for this century and where its leaders can focus to achieve their vision, presenting the experiences of other countries from which Nigeria can learn.
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09 mars 2010

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Private Sector Development
K no wledge , P r oduc tivit y , and
Innovation in Nigeria
Creating a New Economy
Ismail Radwan
Giulia Pellegrini
Knowledge, Productivity, and Innovation
in NigeriaKnowledge, Productivity, and
Innovation in Nigeria
Creating a New Economy
Ismail Radwan
Giulia Pellegrini© 2010 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-1000
All rights reserved
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This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
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ISBN: 978-0-8213-8196-0
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8197-7
DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8196-0
Cover photo: Used by permission from the Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre – W.TEC,
Lagos, Nigeria
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Radwan, Ismail.
Knowledge, productivity, and innovation in Nigeria : creating a new economy / [by Ismail Radwan
and Giulia Pellegrini].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8213-8196-0 — ISBN 978-0-8213-8197-7 (e-version)
1. Information technology—Economic aspects—Nigeria. 2. Human capital—Nigeria. 3. Education—
Economic aspects—Nigeria. 4. Manpower policy—Nigeria. 5. Nigeria—Economic policy. I. Pellegrini,
Giulia. II. World Bank. III. Title.
HC1055.Z9I5563 2009
Foreword xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Abbreviations xv
Overview 1
Knowledge for Development 1
Charting a Way Forward 6
Notes 10
PART I Knowledge, Productivity, and Innovation 11
Chapter 1 Why Is Knowledge So Important for a
New Nigerian Economy? 13
What Is a Knowledge Economy? 13
What Does This Imply for Nigeria? 16
Assessing Nigeria’s Opportunities and Challenges
as a Knowledge-Oriented Economy 18
vvi Contents
Chapter 2 Advancing Nigeria’s Education System 27
Developing Skilled Human Resources 27
Nigeria’s Education System 29
Improving Access, Quality, and Funding 36
Summary: Improving the Nigerian Education System 44
Notes 45
Chapter 3 Improving Nigeria’s Business Environment 47
High Cost of Doing Business in Nigeria 47
Major Constraints to Business in Nigeria 48
Summary: Nigeria’s Business Environment for
the Knowledge Economy 76
Notes 78
Chapter 4 Expanding Nigeria’s Information Infrastructure 79
Information Infrastructure is Key to Productivity
and Economic Growth 79
Benchmarking Nigeria’s Information Infrastructure 80
Summary: Nigeria’s ICT Infrastructure 86
Notes 87
Chapter 5 Creating an Innovation Culture 89
What Is an Innovation System? 89
Benchmarking Nigeria’s Innovation System 90
Summary: Creating an Innovation Culture 99
Notes 100
PART II Case Studies 101
What Can Nigeria Learn from Other Countries? 101
Chapter 6 India—Creating a Partnership for Knowledge 103
Where Does India Stand on the Knowledge
Economy Today? 104
India’s Knowledge Economy Strategy 105
Opportunities and Challenges Facing India’s
Knowledge Economy 108
What Can Nigeria Learn from India’s Experience? 113
Notes 114Contents vii
Chapter 7 China Opening Up to Knowledge Economy
Possibilities 115
Recent Issues and Continuing Challenges for
China’s Knowledge Economy 120
What Can Nigeria Learn from China’s Efforts in
Making a Transition to the Knowledge
Economy? 130
Chapter 8 The Republic of Korea: Coordination as Key
to the Knowledge Economy 133
Economic, Social, and Industrial Coordination 133
Reforming Korea’s Market Structure through
Deregulation 135
Developing a Demand-Driven Education System 136
Developing Korea’s Science and Technology Sector 138
Building Information Infrastructure 140
Continuing Challenges 141
What Can Nigeria Learn from Korea’s Experience? 142
Chapter 9 Singapore’s Transition to the Knowledge Economy:
From Efficiency to Innovation 145
Where Does Singapore Currently Stand in the
Knowledge Economy? 146
Embarking on a New Innovation Strategy 147
Recent Issues and Challenges Facing Singapore’s
Knowledge Economy 151
What Can Nigeria Learn from Singapore’s
Innovation Strategy? 157
Annex: Innovation—The Key to Business
Growth: The Irish Story 158
References 163
Index 167
1.1 Services Take Lead in World Employment 17
1.2 Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) 19
2.1 Brief History of Nigeria’s Universities 31viii Contents
2.2 Nigeria’s Accreditation System 39
2.3 STEPB Project 42
2.4 Nigerian Labor Market 44
5.1 Nigerian Brain Drain 98
6.1 India’s Strategy for a Knowledge Economy 107
7.1 Accession to the WTO Entails Important Changes 118
9.1 Singapore’s Strategy for Future Development 148
9.2 Crafting an Innovation Culture and the “One North”
Project 149
1.1 Strong Links between Knowledge and Growth 15
1.2 Nigeria Trails its Peers and Competitors 15
1.3 Nigeria Slipping on KE Indicators 18
1.4 Nigeria Lags on KE Because of a Weak Business
Environment 20
1.5 Deterioration in the Knowledge Economy Index 21
1.6 Breakdown of Key KE Indicators for Nigeria
(1995–recent) 22
1.7 Key KE Indicator Comparisons of Three Countries 22
1.8 Nigeria’s Economy Heavily Dependent on Oil 24
2.1 Rising Public Expenditure in Education with the
Return to Democracy 29
2.2 Still Further to Go in Education 30
2.3 Nigeria’s Education System Lags African Peers 32
2.4 Low Tertiary Enrollment Stifles Development 33
2.5 Tools of Modern Education System Missing 34
2.6 Science and Math Teaching Must Be Prioritized 35
2.7 Soft Skills Needed for Knowledge Economy 36
3.1 Indirect Costs—Manufacturing Sector, Country
Comparisons 50
3.2 Major Perceived Constraints 50
3.3 Top Constraints in Nigeria—International Comparison 53
3.4 Access and Cost of Finance in Nigeria 56
3.5 Firms’ Perceptions of Financial Sector—International
Comparison 57
3.6 Nigerian Businesses Largely Funded from Retained Earnings 57
3.7 Nigeria’s Financial Sector Dominated by Banks 59
3.8s Real Sector Starved for Credit 60
3.9 Nigerian Banks Well-Capitalized 61

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