Place-NamesOF THEScotiaProvince of NovaBYTHOMAS BROWNJ..-/,92280263*AWORD IN JUSTIFICATION.lakestowns, villages, capes, coves, hills, valleys, rivers,and harbors of our the havethis, glorious province by sea,THE and beautiful names. of them weremany strange Manynamed the Indian the braveby original tribes; others, by Spanish,Norse adventurers of the times and stillFrench, and English early ;others the and who at a laterIrishby Scotch, English emigrantsdate made this their home.luckily province adoptedOften have we heard the within our exclaim:"stranger gates""What an odd name!" "What does it mean?" "And[or pretty]was it so named?"whyThis little book is intended to to a limited thefurnish, extent,answers to these questions.The material has been from it wouldgleaned many sources;have added to the work to have credited-obviously considerablythe authorities from which the information has been so ruth-manyThe Author admitwill, however,lessly plundered. (?) franklythat so far as he is there is little of the contentsconcerned, verymatter.originalThe has been in the hands of themanuscript placed printerwith the full of its but with the thatknowledge imperfections, hopeit some be of assistance to a more crafts-may day competentman.As a "Peace it is dedicated to the of NovaOffering," memoryScotia's and historians.past presentRock Eyrie,North N. THOS. BROWN.Sydney, S., J.1922.December,"stand asNames of form an of ourplaces important part ...