OBITUARY RECORDDECEASED FROM TO 1900,JUNE, 1890, JUNE,PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETINGSOF THE ALUMNI,1890-1900.NEW HAVEN:& TAYLOK CO.THE MOKEHOU8ETUTTLE,1900.OBITUARY RECORDOFGRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITYtheDeceased Academical Tear induring ending1891.J",AT THE MEETING OF THE JUNE[PRESENTED ALUMNI, 23d, 1891.]1 of the Fourth Printed and No. 50 of the wholeSeries,[No. Record.]OBITUARY RECORDOFGKADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITYDeceased the Academical induring year ending1891.JUNE,AT THE THEMEETING OF JUNE[PRESENTED ALUMNI, 23d, 1891.]1 of Fourth Printed and No. 50 of theSeries, whole[No. Record.]YALE COLLEGE.ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT.1815.JOSEPH DRESSER who had been for five theWICKHAM, yearslast survivor of his and for three the oldestclass, years graduateof the and the last under the elderCollege, surviving graduatePresident D died of inold onManchester,wight, age Vt., Mayin his 95th12, 1891, year.He was born in on 1 the eldestThompson, Conn., April 4, 79V,in re-son of Daniel H. and who 1799Wickham,Mary (Dresser)moved to New York For the first after leavingCity. yearhe served as amanuensis to President andCollege Dwight,the Grammarthe was Rector ofduring following year HopkinsSchool in Haven. From 1818 1820 he held aNew to tutorshipin Yale at the same time studiesCollege, pursuing theologicalhis ministerialunder Professors Fitch and Goodrich. He beganlabors in 1821 as a on and thenLong Island, spentmissionarysome time in central New ...