Presented to theLIBRARY theofUNIVERSITY OF TORONTObyProfessor John L.Cranmer-ByngNOTESONCHINESE LITERATURE:WITHINTRODUCTORY REMARKSON TIEEPROGRESSIVE ADVANCEMENT OF THE ART;LIST OF TRANSLATIONS FROM THE CHINESE,INTO VARIOUS EUROPEAN LANGUAGES.A. WYLIE,the British and Bible inof China.Foreign SocietySHANGHAE:AMEKICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS.LONDON:TRUBNER & Co. PATERNOSTER60, ROW.1867.PREFACE.theirMOST students of Chinese at the commencement of career,literature,the occur-must have felt themselves in theirarrested readings, byfrequentlywhich could find norence of and from tobooks, theyproper names, quotationsuncon-clue without the assistance of a native and it werebe,scholar; mayorscious of the fact that were with the names of books, personsthey dealingTo such a dif-furnish the means of if not ofplaces. alleviating, overcomingis one of the main of the The it isficulty, objects following pages. groundtrue is not several works have from time toappearedaltogether unoccupied;time on Chinese but have been so limited in the extent ofBibliography; theytheir or are now become so that the treatise cansubject, rare, present scarcelybe deemed or a beenmere ofwhat has done before.superfluous, repetitionThe librorum bibliothecsa is a list"Catalogus regias Sinicorum," completeof the Chinese books in the at withby Fourmont, Royal Library Paris, copiousdetails much information but so full of er-explanatory ; containing doubtless,rors as to ...