COCO• ooCO•oSManitobaNAMES AND ADDRESSESOFGRADUATESArts, Engineering,In Science, Law,Agriculture, Medicine,Pharmacy, Etc.LEWxnnipt^^ X3X7M3S31U5917 Pc. 1ROBAUniversity of ManitobaADDRESSESNAMES ANDOFGRADUATESGraduates into whose hands this list falls are requested tonotify the Registrar of anychanges in their ownor other graduates' addresses.WINNIPEG, 1917OF MANITOBAUNIVERSITYIN ARTSGRADUATESeach list.)honors will be found at the end of(Note—Key to graduationClifford 544 Agnes St., WinnipegB.A. Abbott, Albert1917(Rev.) Nelson, B.C.1893 B.A. Wesley Watson(M.D.,CM.)*..On active service1912 B.A. Abbott, William F.11 EnglandOxford Univ.,1912 B.A. ^^Abrahamson,SimonCharles .97 Balmoral Place, W'peg1917 B.A. Abramovich,Teresa Sacred Heart Academy,1916 B.A. Adams, GertrudeRegina, Sask.EnglandGeorgie1895 B.A. Adams, EthelSutcliffe 414 Fourth Ave.,1912 B.A. Adams, IreneSask.Saskatoon,Calgary, Alta.Samuel Hunter1906 B.A. Adams,serviceDouglas (M.D.)..On active1910 B.A. Adamson, JamesSt., W'pegEvans....757 Dorchester1907 B.A. JohnserviceMorrisClayhurst(M.D.)..Onactive1912 B.A.Training School,George Baird Y.M.C.A.1897 B.A. 28Affleck,Springfield, Mass.Brandon, Man.Agar, Annie 1205 PrincessAve.,1915 B.A. Jane.Georgina 753 13th St.,1912 B.A.Langside St.,B.A. Agnew, Cecil Wentworth 2511908 JamesWinnipegOn active service1907 B.A. Aikins, Gordon HaroldB.A. 28Aikins, H. B1891(Sir) Government1881 M.A. Aikins, Albert ManningJamesad eundem ...