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07 janvier 2011
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
49 Mo
Quatre Langues
ItalienneAllemande, Espagnole elAnglaise.
l'Ai', I s
li.'i, Hini S\im-(Ikh\i AIN. li.'li.'.vAiii)p
A,C 4
-nQuatreLes Langues
!«N« 1. 5 Janvier 1901. Année.
pnblished, the United States nowHome affairs.
contains a population of seventy
six millions, an increase
{augmentation) of thirteen millions since
last census. SamL'ncle bas
thereHûw will lord Sali.slnirv stfcr the fore oiitstripped {dépouillé! John
.sliip ûf SUite llirOLij,'h Bull, nowtlie intrirate and is striding ahead
'?chaiinol oC poli tics {marchant à ta tête) with
seven-leaFirst aiid (avec de< bottes de septloremost {au premier gued boots
rang), \ve note thore is less water lieues). But the increase in
populaiinder {quille,Dur keel carène) than tion is a small thing compared
there was this timc cette époque) with the increase in cheap produc-[à
last year. tivity of {manu-Therc is a inanifest slac- the American mill
k(imng{ralentixsemeHl whccls facture) and the Americanoltlie mine.
{roues) cf jnduslry in varions dis- If this outlook {le futur, la
situatricts, and cries of {aver- tion) correct, and wewarning be are going
tissement} lliat, with the présent to bave bad finies, great dépression
pricc of coal, niany i and shar'p {aigu, amer)stablisnments distrcss, il
will liiive to close "tlioir doors. The is certain thaï there will be
breapressure of tlie sliilling kers ahead {promoteurs deiiiconie tax désordre)
{la taxe additianncllr d'un slnllinc/ in the shape {sous la forme) of
sur le revenu) is internaijiisl heginning lo disordcr that will put the
bc felt {sortie), tlio Treasurv (/<• nervG {nerfs) of the Ministry to a
Irè^or) is short of money, to moet rude test {épreuve). Hooliganism
the steady {constant) drain {rroule- {voyoucratie, déclassés) is niereno
ment, Istinple)fuite] of warlike expenditure passing portent {présage)
{dépense). New taxes will of the frenzy {frénésie, folie)be neces- of the
sary, and more loans [emprunts). hour. We hâve been steadily
The waler is shoaling (diminue {coti'^lamment) breeding (<;/ei7a)i()de
profondeur). Our linancial prospe- Hooligans ot both sexes in the
rity is no longer falhoins \toises styes (<ai<rfii) ofSlumdom {domaine
deep beneath [au-dé-ssous] our keel. des bouges) l'or years past. Nine
\Vc are approaching sliallovv hundred Ihousand human{peu beings
prufomlrsf waters, witli tlieir inévi- Ihis night will kennel [nielleront) m
table concomitants in this metropolis {métro-of tigbt (serré, rooms
resserré) tiioney, depressed tiade, pole) which swarm with vcrmin
and tlie wail {gémissement) {oii grouille la vermine^of the reek with
iiiiriiiployed. iilth {malpropreté, saleté), and are
This drift {dérive) breath {haleine)to Iho qnick- felitl with the of a
{subiessands mouvants) of linancial briilalised herd {troupeau) which,
difCiciilty is of civilisation,accelerated by two in Ihe luart lias nol
grcat causes. The lirst is tlie clo- e\en the décent privacy {la décente
sing 'fermeture) (nccoi»-of the .Mrican and solitude) l'or the performance
Ihe (;hinese inarkels by war, and plissemenl) of Ihe necessary animal
the inipoverisbinent of oiir Indian functions which an' enjoyed {ilont
cnsloiner by famine. The lasl fa- jouissent)h\ swine [1rs porcs).
mine, l.ord Ciir/.on reports, killed Of laie we bave been leaching
r.ODODdO iMislomers and rediiced {enseignant) Ihem many things.
Ihe nurcbasing power of siirvivoi's Among others, thaï if a corrupl
70(iO()()()().by t The second is oligarchy stands In the wayIhe of Iho
steady, and in some {;ases, alar- wisbes {désirs] of the Man in llic
ming, growtli (ccoi'.f.vnncc, accroisse- Slreel, lhf> right and proper nml
ment) (if American compétition. truly C.lirislian tliing is lo carry
Every inonlli brings us fresh (porter) sword (/Vi»'.-)war- lire and inlo
ning as (o thi' reality of Ihe danger. the estâtes of lliat said oligarchy,
According lo the censiis {hrùtrr) slay [liier]reinrns to burn and to
(D'apii^s le dernier recensemeiil)jn\<.l and lo take possession. If llie .Man
[1] ANC.I.. Ii .
nearer honio, no une can be sur-slioiild applySliiin (bouge)in thc
{Evangile) prised.fiospnl{appliquer) thc
Streel a liUli'Man in the W. Stead {Review Revietcs)ul Ihe T. of
distress must also provide the natives
with the means of combating a future
difûculty of thc same kind.trouvâmessoir, nous nousL'autre
de seize 18'''.)une compagnie Aigi.-tdeux dans [Weekly Mercury,tous
et des femmesdes hommespersonnes, (Brevet supérieur, Bordeaux, 1900.)
jardin desociété, h un(le la meilleure
dames s'avisaville, lorsqu'une
souperait: « Pourquoi nede demander
humédialement on mitici ? ion pas
lastTen years had passed since my
souper fortet l'on servit unla nappe
visit. New-York had grown as fast as
autre dit:« Chan-élégant. Ensuite une
admi-London, and there were nevv and
elle-même.commença aussitôttons», et
rable things to see there : their
Metrotombâmes insensible-chant, nousDu which doespolitan Railway for one.
Quelqu'un parla dedanse.ment à la
mit bore, like ours, through stilling
immédiatement un orchestreetviolons bornesubterranean caverns, but iscommença les me-commandé. Onfut
aloft on iron columns down the centres
air, et puis vinrent lesen pleinnuets
trafflc belowof the husiest streets. the
durèrent jusqu'.i qua-quicontredanses
goingon uninterrupted and u|imolested.
malin. A cette heure-là.heures dutre outer andThere are two circles, an
les dames fit unegaie de toutesla plus
an inner. There are stations every
halfétaientpropositiort. Ceux quinouvelle
ascend by a stair-mile, to which you
retourner chez euxpouvaientfatigués
case. You are carried along in the
dayvoitures et les autres danse-dans leurs
air. The foot-pas-light. and in fresh
de la musiquedevant eux au sonraient
sengers underneath see the trains fly
prin-all.-imes à travers lesEt ainsi nous
disturbed nor'in-by. and are neither
nous éveil-rues de la ville, etcipales
convenienced : and the structure itself
monde.lâmes tout le
and airy that it scarcelyis so light
1900.{Baccalauréat, Poitiers, intercepts the light from the Windows
houses. .\ greater wonder was-of the
the Broklyn Suspension Bridge, span
estuary which divides Newning the
Island. H isYork from the Eastern
Indiananticipations, theContrary to
quarters of a mile long, andthree
yielding to such treat-famine is' not
three hundredswings, 1 believe, nearly
flnds itthe Indian governmentment as
the sea. Two towers hâvefeet abovedoledapply. Relief is beingpossible to
water, six hun-been built out of the
natives, yet thethe sufl'eringout to
apart, over which the chainsdred yardsadmit thehopeful of us mustmost
carried. The breadthwhich bear it are
hundredsmore livesprobabilily of many
miracle. \ spacious footwayis thedreadful hor-sacrifieed before thebeing
raised. perhaps»runs down the centre,
the land. No doubt,driven Iromror is
feet above the rest. On eithertwelvethat thepeople hâve regrettedcertain
railway, and beyondside of it is the
did not see ilsImpérial government
a cartrailway lagain on each side)thegrant. butto make a famineway clear
way.and carriage
as thèse, the ultimate.such casesm
Fboiue {Oceana).
immédiate results ofwell theas as
industrielles de voyagehâve to be considered. {Boursesthat measure,
à l'étranger, iS99.)alleviate the présentefforts made toThe