IS;coCOSTANFORD'S COMPENDIUMOFANDGEOGRAPHY TRAVEL(SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME)PRINTED BYSPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREETLTD., SQUARELONDONSTANFORD'SCOMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL(SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME)GLOSSAEY.OPGEOGRAPHICALANDTOPOGRAPHICAL TERMSAND OF WORDS OF OCCURRENCE IN THEFEEQUENTOF SUCH TERMS AND OFCOMPOSITIONPLACE-NAMESBYALEXANDER F.R.G.S.KNOX, B.A.,'A GUIDEAUTHOR OP TO KECENT LARGE-SCALE MAPS' ETC.EDWARDLONDON: STANFORD& LONG W.C.12, 13, 14, ACEE,190403K7IINTBODUCTIONTHE is the outcome of a series of notes takenGlossarya course of closelong geographical reading extendingduringand almost restricted to worksover some ten years, entirelywith extra countries. however,When,dealing -Europeanthe collection of terms to assumebegan fairly large propor-advisable to add similar terms for theit wastions, thoughtThis in the of thebrief,is, historyEuropean languages.the of which has involved a con-Glossary compilation verysiderable amount of from the collec-labour, apart altogethertion of the raw materials.In a work of this kind small errors will inevitablypioneerhowever care be taken to exclude them ;in, great maycreepin time be toerrors of too,judgment, may possibly broughtthe insertion of some few terms; eventuallylight may proveto have been while the exclusion of some otherssuperfluous,of the whole. Timebe to lessen the valuemay thoughttell.alone canin no for the or forway Glossary,Though responsiblesuch Dr. A. H. Keane has ...