ENGLISH FURNITURE AND DECORATION1680 1800TOENGLISH FURNITUREAND DECORATION1680-1800BYG. M.'ELLWOODTHIRD EDITIONLONDONB. T. BATSFORD. 94 HIGH HOLBORNEPRINTED AT STUTTGARTENGLISH FURNITURE ANDDECORATION. 1680-1800.INTRODUCTION^onnnrn nrrnnnG. M. ELLWOOD.is the aim of this book to some idea of William Ill's state bed-room at Court,give Hamptonthe beautiful furniture in be- between dado and friezeIt the was coveredproduced England spacetween 1680 and 1800 what is with and overmantels seemincluding only good Doorwaystapestry.in and the debased motives to have been the architect's care. In thedesign, entirely ignoring specialand Gothic and the work best of the former carved and(Chinese Chippendale examples richlyandSheraton under direct architraves andmouldedproduced byChippendale pediments supported byFrench that are of interest to those and beautiful trusses were used. Forelaborateinfluence) onlywho an admiration for that is overmantels relief festoons of flowers andprofess anything highold or of however it be. carved in lime-wood Wren'svalue,high ugly may fruit, exquisitely byThe for framed aconvenience of classifica- famous Gibbons,photographs contemporary Grinlingtion are divided into broad the latter oftenWilliam ormirror, quarteredperiods, namely picture, panel,and inlaid in The actual fire-Queen orMary, Anne, Chippendale, Adam, design.geometricaland Sheraton. was framed with a bolectionHepplewhite usually heavyplaceThe of William ...