ITWE SPEAKASENGLISHIRELAND.INENGLISH AS ITWE SPEAI^IN IRELANDP. W. M.R.I.A.JOYCE, LLD., T.O.D.,One the Commissioners the Publication the AncientLaws Irelandof for of ofLate the Government Training College,Principal ofDublinMarlbcrough Street,Late President the Irelandof Royal Society of Antiquaries,SPEECH.THE LIFE OF A PEOPLE IS PICTURED IN THEIR: & CO.LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN,LTD.DUBLIN: M. H. GILL & SON,i\1910 . bPEEFACE.ofTHIS book deals with the Dialect the Englishin Ireland.that isLanguage spokenaAs the Life of to ourpeople accordingin their ourmotto is pictured speech, picturebe a for twoto wereone,ought good languagesconcerned in it Irish and TheEnglish. parteach will be found set forthspeciallyplayed byin IV and VII and in farther detailChapters ;the whole book.throughoutThe articles and that havepamphlets alreadyon this which areappeared interesting subjectalldescribed below are short. Some are full ofobservation but arekeen mere lists; very manyof dialectical words with their Heremeanings.for the first time in this little volume of mineour Dialect is to detailedAnglo-Irish subjectedand classification.analysis systematicI have been formaterials this bookcollectingfor more than not indeed;twenty years by wayof constant but off and on as detailed,The sources from which these materials werederived are thedirectly mainly following.First. own is a storehouse bothMy memoryof idiom and for the reason;vocabulary ...