C/C++ Programming Guide for the FIRST Robotics Competition








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Rev 0.5 December 28, 2008 C/C++ Programming Guide for the FIRST Robotics Competition Worcester Polytechnic Institute Robotics Resource Center Brad Miller, Ken Streeter, Beth Finn, Jerry Morrison
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INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY  PHIL 2010HSpring 2012 Dr. Beth Preston CONTACT INFORMATION_____________________________________________________PHONE: 7065422819 EMAIL:epreston@uga.eduOFFICE: 101B Peabody Hall OFFICE HOURS2:30 pm& Wednesday : Monday 3:30 pm TEXTS_______________________________________________________________________ th Classics of Western Philosophyedition (Steven M. Cahn, editor), 7 René Descartes,Discourse on Method http://marxists.org/reference/archive/descartes/1635/discoursemethod.htmKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels,Manifesto of the Communist Party http://marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communistmanifesto/index.htmThe book for this course is available at the UGA Bookstore. You may also be able to find it at the off campus bookstores on Baxter Street. The readings from Descartes and Marx & Engels are available online by following the links above. COURSE OBJECTIVES_________________________________________________________The German philosopher Immanuel Kant once said that the three big questions facing human reason are: What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope? In the three sections of this course we will investigate these three questions in turn by reading some of the most influential answers to them, written by prominent philosophers over the 2,500 year history of Western philosophy. LECTURE AND DISCUSSION___________________________________________________There will be lectures on Monday and Wednesday. There will be a reading assignment for each lecture. It should be done before the lecture. These reading assignments are listed in the Course Outline at the end of this syllabus. On Friday there will be a discussion session, led by students and moderated by the Instructor. The reading assignment for Friday will be the discussion topics posted by the student discussion leaders on the class eLC site on Thursday afternoon. WRITTEN
REQUIREMENTS___________________________________________________ Exams:There will be three required, noncumulative inclass exams and an optional, cumulative final exam. Each inclass exam will count for 25% of your course grade. If you opt to take the final your lowest exam grade will be dropped and your course grade will be calculated on the basis of your three highest exam grades.youPlease note: musttake all three of the inclass exams in order to exercise the option to take the final and drop your lowest grade.Discussion Leadership: You will also be required to help lead the discussion on two Fridays over the course of the semester. This involves writing and posting a discussion topic on the class eLC site on Thursday afternoon, and then presenting your topic to kick off the discussion in class on Friday. Your discussion leadership exercises will count for 25% of your grade. ATTENDANCE________________________________________________________________Attendance is required as a matter of University policy. Attendance will be taken by calling roll for the first week of class, and after that by means of a signin sheet. You are expected to arrive on time for class, and leave only when the whole class is dismissed.If you are unavoidably late, please remember to sign in on the attendance sheet after class. Administrative drops: The Instructor reserves the right, at her discretion, to withdraw administratively and without notice any student who accumulates six or more unexcused absences at any point during the semester. However, if youdecideto withdraw from the course you shouldnotcount on this policy to withdraw you automaticallyyou should initiate the withdrawal yourself through OASIS. If you withdraw or are withdrawn prior to the midpoint nd withdrawal deadline (Thursday, March 22 ) the Instructor may assign you either a WP (Withdrawal Passing) or a WF (Withdrawal Failing), at her discretion. If you withdraw or are withdrawn after the midpoint withdrawal deadline the University automatically assigns a WF. Please note that the University has a policy limiting the number of WP’s youmay receive during your time at UGA tofourfurther withdrawals will automatically be assigned a WF. Any by the University. This withdrawal policy and other information about withdrawals is explained athttp://www.uga.edu/studentaffairs/students/withdrawals.htmCLASS PARTICIPATION_______________________________________________________Participation in discussion is highly encouraged. Questions or comments are also welcome during the lecture periods. The Instructor may call upon individual students to answer questions or give their opinion. But voluntary participation is very much preferred. With regard to participation in discussion, quality matters more than quantity. You should come to both lecture and discussion with the reading for that day done, and prepared to answer questions about the reading assignments straightforwardly and sensibly. You should also be prepared on occasion to ask questions yourself, or to offer relevant comments about the reading or the issues with which
it deals. EXAM FORMAT______________________________________________________________Each inclass exam will consist of one question to be answered by a long essay. A week before each exam a set of study questions will be distributed. You must prepare essay answers to all of the questions. One of the study questions will be the exam question. The three inclass exams will not be cumulative. This same format will also be used for the final, but the final will be cumulative. Blue or Green Books: The exams will be written in blue or green books. These are blank examination booklets, available from the UGA Bookstore and the other bookstores in town. The covers are blue or green (the ones with the green covers use recycled paper). You will be required to provide three of these blank booklets before the first exam. They will be collected and redistributed for the three inclass exams. If you take the final, you must provide an additional blank booklet at that time. MAKEUP EXAMS_____________________________________________________________Exams are to be taken on the date and at the time specified in the Course Outline. If circumstances beyond your control (e.g., illness, family emergency) make this impossible, or if you miss an exam for any other reason, you should request a makeup examimmediately, i.e., as soon as you are physically able to do so. You may be asked to document the circumstances which caused you to miss the exam. If you miss a makeup exam you have arranged to take, you must contact the Instructor to reschedule it as soon as you are physically able to do so. You will be asked to document that there were circumstances beyond your control which prevented you from taking the makeup exam as scheduled. If you cannot do this, the Instructor reserves the right to refuse to reschedule the makeup exam you are requesting and to give you an F for that exam.FAILURE TO COMPLETE REQUIRED WORK____________________________________If you miss an inclass exam and fail to make it up as specified above, you will receive an F for that exam. Moreover, you will not be allowed to drop this F by taking the final. It will be averaged in with all your other grades, including the final if you elect to take it. GRADING POLICIES__________________________________________________________ Examswill receive marginal comments and a short, summary assessment of your: You exam essays, and a letter grade optionally followed byor +. Discussion Leadership: You will receive a short, summary assessment of your
discussion topic and inclass leadership, and a letter grade optionally followed byor +. Final Grade: The final grade will be determined by converting the letter grades on your exams and discussion leadership exercises to numerical grades in accordance with the conversion chart below; weighting each grade as appropriate; averaging the numerical grades; and then converting the resulting average back into a letter grade in accordance with the conversion chart. The following letternumber conversions will be used in grading. Letters to NumbersNumbers to LettersA 4.0 3.84.0 0 A A 3.7 3.53.79 A B+ 3.3 3.23.49 B+ B 3.0 2.83.19 B B 2.7 2.52.79 B C+ 2.3 2.22.49 C+ C 2.0 1.82.19 C C 1.7 1.51.79 C D 1.0 0.51.49 D F 0 00.49 F The following general criteria will be used in determining the letter grades. Other criteria may also enter in, at the discretion of the Instructor. This is just to give you some idea of the sort of things the Instructor will be looking for in your written work. F = FailWritten work does not exhibit even a minimal grasp of the main ideas and other material presented in the course, and shows virtually no attempt at organization or analysis. D = PassWork shows minimal grasp of main ideas, with considerable inaccuracy in formulating them, and no grasp of the details involved. Organization of ideas seriously inadequate; failure to grasp important connections between main ideas; and analysis minimal or lacking altogether. C = SatisfactoryWork shows very basic grasp of main ideas, with some inaccuracy in formulating them, but little, if any, detail. Some grasp of important connections between main ideas, but serious organizational flaws in other respects, e.g., paragraph structure. Analysis attempted, but minimal as to both quantity and quality. B = GoodMain ideas and connections between them clearly and accurately expressed, but lacking in precise detail. Organization good, including good paragraph structure, and presentation of material in logically connected form. Analysis too brief to provide adequate support for positions taken, or qualitatively flawed in some respect, e.g., the quality of support for positions
taken. A = ExcellentIdeas and connections between ideas expressed clearly, accurately and in detail. Overall organization excellent, including paragraph structure. Analysis extensive, detailed and qualitatively excellent, e.g., positions taken are argued for rather than simply shored up with a few unconnected reasons. ACADEMIC HONESTY_________________________________________________________You are expected to abide by the standards for academic honesty established by the University of Georgia. If you have not already done so, you should familiarize yourself with these standards by readingA Culture of Honesty, a manual on the University academic honesty policy. You can find this online, along with a number of other useful documents pertaining to academic honesty at the University of Georgia, athttp://www.uga.edu/honesty/ahpd/culture_honesty.htmYou are encouraged to work together by discussing the reading material and the study questions with other people, and in particular with other students in the course. This constitutes an acceptable and commendable level of cooperation for this course. Here are some examples of activities which arenotacceptable, and which will be regarded as violating the academic honesty standards: Copying from another student's exam. Allowing another student to copy from your exam. Copying from or consulting textbooks, class notes, other class materials or online materials during an exam. Writing an essay for another student to use, or having another student write one for you. Plagiarism, i.e., repeating verbatim or closely paraphrasing material from a published source (e.g., a book, journal article, web site, etc.) in an exam essay or discussion topic without proper attribution. If you have any questions about what activities constitute violations of the standards for academic honesty, either in general or with regard to this course in particular, please ask the Instructor. COURSE OUTLINE____________________________________________________________ Jan 9 Introduction to the course Jan 11 Plato,Meno, 70a80e (marginal pagination) Jan 13 Discussion Jan 16 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY Jan 18 Plato,Meno, 81a94e
Jan 20 Jan 23 Jan 25 Jan 27 Jan 30 Feb 1 Feb 3 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 22 Feb 24 Feb 27 Feb 29 1063) Mar 2 Mar 5 Mar 7 Mar 9 Mar 1216 Mar 19Mar 21Mar 22Mar 23Mar 26Mar 28Mar 30Apr 2 Apr 4 Apr 6 Apr 9 Apr 11 Apr 13 Apr 16 Apr 18
Discussion Plato,Meno, 95a100b Descartes,Discourse on Method, Parts I and II http://marxists.org/reference/archive/descartes/1635/discoursemethod.htmDiscussion Descartes,Discourse on Method, Parts III and IV Descartes,Discourse on Method, Part V Discussion Berkeley,Principles of Human Knowledge, Preface and Introduction (701708) Berkeley,Principles of Human Knowledge, Part I (708714) Study questions for Exam #1 available on eLC Discussion Berkeley,Principles of Human Knowledge(continued)Exam #1Discussion Kant,Metaphysics of Morals, First Section Kant,Metaphysics of Morals, Second Section, 406426 (marginal pagination) Discussion Kant,Metaphysics of Morals, 426445 (marginal pagination) Mill,Utilitarianism, Chapter I and Chapter II (through the first column on p.
Discussion Mill,Utilitarianism, Chapter II, 10631071 Mill,Utilitarianism, Chapter IV Discussion SPRING BREAK Sartre,Humanism of Existentialism, 11921198 Sartre,Humanism of Existentialism, 11981204 Study questions for Exam #2 available on eLC MIDPOINT WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE Discussion Sartre,Humanism of Existentialism(continued) Exam #2Discussion Plato,Phaedo, 84d100b Plato,Phaedo, 100b118a Discussion Hume,Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Parts I and II Hume,Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Parts III and V Discussion Hume,Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Part X Marx & Engels,Communist Manifesto, Preamble and Part I http://marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communistmanifesto/index.htm
Apr 20 Discussion Study questions for Exam #3 available on eLCApr 23 Marx & Engels,Communist Manifesto, Part I (continued) Apr 25 Marx & Engels,Communist Manifesto, Part II Apr 27Exam #3  Final exam question available on eLC Apr 30 Discussion May 1 Reading Day May 2Final exam 12:00 pm3:00 pm. An electronic copy of this syllabus is available on the class eLC site, on the Philosophy Department web site and in the University syllabus depothttps://syllabus.uga.edu/). This syllabus is intended for guidance only, and is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and a revised version of the syllabus will be posted on eLC. The University requires that the following information be included in the syllabus: PHIL 2010H. Introduction to Philosophy (Honors). 3 hours. Oasis Title: INTRO PHIL HONORS. Not open to students with credit in PHIL 1000 or PHIL 1000H or PHIL 2010. Prerequisite: Permission of Honors. A critical exploration of such topics as knowledge and belief, God and the problem of evil, freedom and determinism, the right and the good, language and meaning, mind and body, appearance and reality, and man and the world. Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year. The University requires that the following statements be included in the syllabus: As a University of Georgia student, you have agreed to abide by the University’s academic honesty policy, “A Culture of Honesty,” and the StudentHonor Code. All academic work must meet the standards described in “A Culture of Honesty” found at: www.uga.edu/honesty. Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Questions related to course assignments and the academic honesty policy should be directed to the instructor.The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary.
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