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ARTICLE MonteCarlo Based Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Criticality Conditions Occurrence in Natural Reactor Zone 9 in Oklo Deposit (Gabon) 1,* 2 SalahEddine BENTRIDI, Benoît GALL , 1 3 François GAUTHIERLAFAYEand Abdeslam SEGHOUR 1 Laboratoire d’Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg, 1 rue Blessig, 67084 Strasbourg, France 2 Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, UMR 7871, 23 rue du Loess 67037 Strasbourg, France 3 Centre de Recherches Nucléaires d’Alger CRNA, 2 Bvd Frantz Fanon 16002 Alger, Algeria The occurrence of the criticality with analogue modelled configurations of the fossil reactor zone n°9 (RZ9) from Oklo uranium deposit in Gabon is studied. The RZ9 and the other reaction zones 7 and 8, of the same deposit sector are characterized by a low thickness compared to other zones 1 to 6 and an important presence of organic matter with a lower U content. This makes the simulations performed in the past unable to explain the occurrence of that phe nomenon in such zones. In the present work an extrapolation to 2 billion years ago as an initial state of the reactor is done using the MCNP MonteCarlo based code. To make it more close to the geological reality experimental condi tions and geometry, possible porosity, moderators and minimal Uranium content are considered. The minimal critical configuration is obtained by variation of a set of geometrical and physical parameters around the estimated composi tion of the reactor area. A set of simulations computing the corresponding effective multiplication factor keff, and reactivity are presented. The effect of organic matter as well as the influence on the criticality is discussed. KEYWORDS: Oklo, natural nuclear reactor, criticality, Monte Carlo, neutron transport, simulation, modeling, organic matter, uranium a I. Introduction The reactor zone n°9 (RZ9) from Oklo uranium deposit in Gabon is one of about fifteen natural nuclear reactors dis covered since 1972 and known as the “Oklo phenomenon” 1) that took place 1,950 million years ago.This is unique and interesting in the way it was formed, launched and sus 3) tained onsome hundred thousand years without any human 6,13) contribution. Thespecial interest for this reactor came from the difficulty encountered to explain the occurrence of the criticality in such site. The earlier simulations developed 8) for the Oklo reactorscould not explain the criticality in such small reactor. Furthermore, presence of organic matter (OM) registered around the big reactors of Oklo like RZ2, is 8,9,12,18) observed even inside the RZ9 core itself,with such lower U content compared to the other zones. Today, the 14,16) possibility offered by the MonteCarlo code MCNP, 1) Fig. 1 Geologicalmap of the Franceville basin in Gabon allows us to make more realistic and detailed numerical computations to study criticality in such a system. For this purpose the minimal size needed for criticality was studiedsin in the southeast part of the Gabon Republic (Fig. 1). The with respect to a realistic porosity, OM, water, U and poibasin is identified as a succession of five main formations, sons content. Several geometries have been defined in orderlabelled from A to E (bottom to top). The zone of interest is to consider also the effect of surrounding rocks. Criticality inthe mineralized layer located at the top of the A forma 7,8) RZ9 can be explained by the present work.tion. Thereaction zones were found in a clay envelope,  formedduring and after the operating and cooling phases of 1. Geological Context of the Reactorsreactors. The ore is mainly made of quartz, clays (chlorite 8,10,23) The Oklo Uranium deposit is located in a 2.1 billion yearsand illite) and organic matter as solid bitumen.Heavy 11) old sedimentary series which belongs to the Franceville baminerals (zircon,thorite, monazite) represent a minor phase mainly located in conglomerate layers. The uranium content averaged on the whole deposit is estimated to 0.4% *Corresponding author, Email:bentridi@unistra.fr
0.04 3.7% 0.03
0.00 0 5001000 1500 2000 Fig. 2outcrop of the reactor n°9 in the Oklo depo Horizontal Time (x10E6 years) 22) sit 235 238 Fig. 3 EvolutionU/ Uof theratio versus time indicating the 4) Oklo reactors launching wgt with some rich amasses ranging from 2 to 15%. Ura nium as pitchblende inclusions is closely associated with (mainly illite of high temperature and Al and Mg rich chlo organic matter, which played a reducing role for uranium rites) and an overall increase of the uranium content which 8,22) precipitation. Theburned up uranium in the reactors is 5,10) can reach values up to 60%.Therefore, in its initial con mainly made of cubic uraninite, which is often closely con figuration the RZ9 was richer in quartz and poorer in U than nected to OM. The Oklo deposit is the oldest high grade the present time reactor ore. We consider also, that prior the uranium deposit located in a sedimentary sequence and it can fission reaction operations, the RZ9 was essentially a hy be considered as an ancient hydrocarbons field prior to be an 10)drocarbons (HC) trap in which the uranium concentrated uranium deposit. Realistic rock porosity in such sandstone continuously until the conditions of criticality were reached. 17) rock reservoir may therefore range from 20% to 40%.This This process induces a correlation between the porosity, HC can clearly be observed in the zones 7 to 9 which show im and the U contents. This implies an enhancing of thermalisa 8, 12, 22) portant quantities of the degraded O.M.The operating tion processes efficiency where U is located. This plays an 12,18) time of the reactor n°9 is estimated to 220,000 years.At important role for reactor neutronics. that time, the reactor zone was buried under 2,000m of The porosity in the mineralised hydrocarbonrich sand rocks resulting in temperature and pressure conditions stones (MHS) can be set to the values observed in rocks around 150°C and 200 bars respectively, assuming hydro reservoirs of hydrocarbons deposits, which ranges from 20 8,17) static conditions. Those conditions are even less restrictiveto 40% of the ore volume.As a result of the radioactive than the PWR Reactors ones (220 °C and 155 bars) chosendecay constant difference for the two uranium isotopes 235 8,22) 235238 to maintain water liquid.and 238, theU/ Uratio 1.95 billion years ago is calcu 4,5)  latedto be 3.7% wgt.This value is very close to the PWR 8) 2. Presentation of the Reaction Zone n°9:(reactors fuel enrichmentFig. 3). Discovered by GauthierLafaye (at the end of 1978), the 1. Physical Modeling RZ9 is localized 300 meters far from the northern sector The typical ore sample used in this study is numerically (RZ1 to 6). At present time, the RZ9 is a few centimetres defined by two main volumes (i) a solid volume (clay, UO2, thick lens shaped with a 45° dip. It is spreading out on 7 m silica) and (ii) a fluid volume fraction located in all forms of long and 12m width, with two wings fragments in the porosity even the intrinsic porosity of clay (moderator: water southern part (Fig. 2). An important abundance of degraded and/or H.C) designed byφTand given by the following rela organic matter in form of bitumen was observed in the RZ9 tionship: with the weight ratio U/C usually superior to 0.5. The pre sent time U content obtained from analysed samples, range V V free free 8) between 25 and 30% wgt (considered on dehydrated ore).φ= =, (1) T V V+V In previous studies, this geometry was considered to be too Total Solidfree thin to allow criticality due to important geometrical induced whereVfree Designthe free volume could occupied by any leakage of fission neutrons and the low U content was con fluid. sidered to be insufficient to assure a criticality in such 2,8)The solid part deduced from the difference between the case. volume unit and fraction of fluid (apparent porosity) is di vided in two sub volumes: sandstone + clay and Uraninite. II. Modeling of the Reactor The parameter used to define the ore enrichment is designed Previous works have shown that the main effect of the fisby VUO2. It represents the volume of the uraninite in a vol 3 sion reactions on the hosted rocks results from an intenseume of 1 cmof the hydrated ore. We can then, deduce VU8,20) hydrothermal alteration due to the heating of the fluids.the uranium content defined as the ratio of the existing ura The main consequences of such an alteration are the dissolu nium mass in the volume unit to the total mass of the tion of the quartz, the crystallisation of new clay minerals dehydrated rich ore.
Table 1 Targetthickness and isotopic enrichment
Chlorite Illite Atom/mesh weightAtom/mesh weight Si3.1789.12.8780.65 Al2.4967.23.2286.94 M0.184.41.0425.27 Fig. 4model of the reflectorless reactor Geometrical Fe0.147.82.88160.7 Na0. K0.7228.20.031.1732. Geometrical Modeling OH2346102 According to geological statements, we consider in the H3O0.356.700 model a cylindrical geometry for the RZ9. This assumption O1016010160 reduces the geometrical parameters to the radius and the total398.1617.2 thickness of a cylinder, hereafter referred as “R” and “e” respectively (Fig. 4). Furthermore, surrounding reflectors are also taken in ac In our approach we define a MHS sample with 90% silica count allowing to study their effect on the reactivity and and 10% clay. The mass transfer of silica during the reactor operatingtherefore on the reduction of the geometrical dimensions of leads to significant volume reduction. This hydrothermalthe initial reactor. process leaded to present time reactor geometry and chemicalcomposition. It means that the present measured thickness is III. ReflectorLess Fresh Core 8,20) about 10 times thinner than the initial one.The MonteCarlo based Code used in this study is the 15,16) This U concentration process is very important for neuMCNP 5.1 release (MonteCarlo NParticles);this code tronics because it occurs in parallel to nuclear consumption ofis frequently used in radiationsmatter interactions simula 235 U and can explain the quite high value of final burnup oftions in general way and especially in reactor calculations. the fuel.Giving a good analogy between the probabilistic numerical In the MCNP code, each volume is filled with a definedmethods and the random characters of particles at nuclear material. In the present case of inhomogeneous volumes, wescale, this code allowed us to carry out many simulations in replaced the realistic description of pure millimetric subclayreasonable time (between 80 and 120 min for each parameter elements by a mean composition. This simplification could bevalue to get the source convergence) and obtain reliable re done due to the fact that the mean free path of neutrons insults. The starting source was defined as a diffuse source of such materials is significantly larger than the rock grain eleneutrons issued by spontaneous fission of uranium. Using ment scale. In the simulation code, each material compositionthe crosssection library included in MCNP, and the Kcode 14,16) was given in atoms per unit of volume.The major eleoption we could compute the effective multiplication factor ment composition of the clay is given by the values in keff. 22) Table 1. Assuming incompressible materials, the different densities1. Standard ReflectorLess Fresh Core are computed as follows:In this contribution, we call fresh core the initial critical volume. Its volume is not well known since its extension mass mass 1 %% varied along the reactor operation. Since uranium concentra chlorite illite = +, ρ ρρtion process led to fluctuation in ore U content, the aim of clay chlorite illite the first part of this work was to determine the minimal size mass mass % % 1clay Qrtz  (2) ofan inhomogeneity compatible with criticality for a poi = +, ρ ρρsonsfree core. MHS clay Qrtz Different configurations of the fresh poisonsfree core vol vol ρ=%×ρ+%×ρ=f+f, solid UO2UO2MHS MHS UO2MHS were simulated by varying the physical parameters R and e under different realistic physical conditions (VUO2andφT). Where we define the substance mass fraction for an ingredient These conditions were chosen forφT= 20, 30 and 40% by X:varying VUO2 from4 to 7%, taking into account the weight Vol f=%×ρfraction induced changes. In this first phase porosity was. (3) X XX 8,19) filled with light water (densityρwtrused as=0.9232 g/cc) Then, we find the total hydrated ore density: moderator, under the pressure and temperature conditions: 200 bars and 150 °C. ρ=f+f+f (4) ore UO2MHS fluid The initial reactor thickness (e) was varied from 60 cm to For each value of VUO2 andφT wecmobtain the corresponding100 cmby 10cm steps while its radius (R) had a 20 initial ore density and the contribution in percent of eachvariations steps.Figure 5the results for V displaysUO2=4% chemical element of the compound. The whole ore is con andφT=20%. It shows that criticality can be found with a sidered to be homogenous. 160 cm radius for a one meter thickness initial reflectorless In this study, we assume that the initial core is poi reactor. If promising criticality is found, needed reactor size sonsfree. is still quite big in this low concentration and low porosity
1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8
1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8
0.7e=100cm0.7 e=90cm e=80cme=80cm 0.60.6 e=70cme=70cm e=60cm e=60cm 0.50.5 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 20040 60 80100 120 140 160 180 200 radius (cm)radius (cm) Fig. 5 Multiplicationfactor evolution versus radius ofFig. 7factor evolution versus radius of Multiplication reflectorless fresh core reactor forφT=20% and VUO2=4% reflectorlessfresh core reactor forφT=40% and VUO2=4% 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 V =7%(~0.654g/cc) UO2 0.7 0.7 V =6%(~0.560g/cc) UO2 e=80cm V =5%(~0.467g/cc) 0.6 0.6 UO2 e=70cm V =4%(~0.374g/cc) UO2 e=60cm 0.5 0.5 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 20040 60 80100 120 140 160 180 200 radius (cm)radius (cm) Fig. 6 Multiplicationfactor evolution versus radius ofFig. 8factor evolution versus reflectorless re Multiplication a actor radius for different VUO2reflectorless fresh core reactor forφT=30% and VUO2=4%
case. Figures 6and7display the effective multiplication factor keff atVUO2=4% for higher realistic porositiesφTand =30 40%. Following the increase of porosity the subsequent ther malisation efficiency increase led to smaller critical core as expected. Indeed the dimensions needed to the critical cyl inders decreased from (R=160 cm, e=100 cm atφT=20%) to (R=140 cm,e=90 cmatφTand finally (R=125 =30%)cm, e=80 cm atφT=40%). In second stage, we varied the VUO2parameter (VUO2= 4, 5, 6 and 7%) with fixed porosityφT =30%cm rein e=70 flectorless core.Figure 8 displaysthe multiplication factor keff evolutionwith reactor radius. The obtained critical radii R = 130 cm (5%), 90 cm (6%), 75 cm (7%) proves that even in a reflectorless core, realistic critical volume can be ob tained. Since exact size of the fresh core is not well established, we also studied reactivity variation as a function of uranium density for several radii. Indeed the reactivityρ= (k1)/k (expressed in pcm, 1pcm = 0.001%) measures with high sensitivity the core distance to criticality. The results of these calculations are displayed inFig. 9. We observe a quasilinear increase of reactivity with U den sity (averaged slope of 34,000pcm.cc/g). For a R=80cm and e =70 cm reflectorless reactor the needed VUO2is 6.5%
corresponding to 25.5% U in a MHS (0.607 g/cc of U). This 7,8) value was often found at Oklo. This first parametrical study allowed us to build a first set of possible critical configurations, even if the criticality cal culation did not involve reflectors. The size and physical conditions (φT andVUO2) of the initial critical reactor is shown to be realistic. 2.Influence of Moderator Composition In the present section, using the same reflectorless ge ometry than before, we study the effect of the composition on the thermalisation of neutrons, and the criticality by filling all the porosity by: Water under normal (P,T) conditions (0.999 g/cc) Water under Oklo (P,T) conditions (0.923 g/cc) Alkane HC under normal (P,T) conditions (0.655 g/cc) Aromatic HC under normal (P,T) conditions (0.88 g/cc) For the two types of HC we use a typical isomer molecule (resp. Hexane and benzene). The HCO composition of the HC compound used and thermal treatment used (S(α,β)) are given inTable 2. It is to be noticed that it is very important to consider the right hydrogen binding with its mother molecule given by the thermal treatment used (S(α,β) “mt” card in the MCNP code). This may affect strongly the results of the multiplication 15) factor calculations.
R=100cm R=80cm 30000 R=60cm R=40cm 40000 4 5 6 7 Vuo2 (%) Fig. 9 Criticalityvariation versus uraninite volume
Table 2moderators definition Used Moderator DensityH C OAvailable (g/cc) %wgt%wgt %wgtS(α,β) WaterLwtr.60t0.9999 11.110 88.89 WaterLwtr.61t0 88.890.9232 11.11 Hexane0 Poly.60t0.6550 16.67 83.33 Benzene92.3 0Benz.60t0.8800 07.7 The simulations are done for a e=70 cm reflectorless core underφT=30% and VUO2=4% physical conditions.Figure 10displays the multiplication factors obtained with the four considered moderators. Results of simulations from previous section (light water under Oklo P,T conditions) is the middle curve. With respect to this, the aromatic one seems to be much less favourable and shows no criticality within the calculation range. On the other side, alkane curve shows a slightly better behaviour than water in Oklo (P,T) conditions. This curve almost fit the curve obtained with water also in normal (P,T) conditions. Since MCNP does not contain a library corresponding to alkane under Oklo (P,T) conditions the overlap of these two curves enables us to estimate that alkane behaves like water under Oklo conditions. One can therefore conclude that water and alkane behave in a similar way and that aromatic compounds are much less efficient. In initial conditions, porosity is filled by a mixture of hy drocarbons (Alkane + Aromatics) and water. Under the severe thermal conditions induced by reactor operation, hydrothermal alteration can alter this mixture. In particular, the pyrolysis process increases the Aromat ic/Alkane ratio. The reactor may then loose criticality unless the water/HC ratio and/or U concentration effects compen sate it. IV. Fresh Cores with Reflectors We consider in this section the fresh reactors and the ef fect of the surrounding rocks that play the double role of reflector and thermal neutrons contributor. The top and bot tom reflectors are modelled with two 70 cm thick cylindrical layers and the core is surrounded by peripherical ring reflec tors of the core thickness e (Fig. 11). To be consistent with geological conditions lateral reflec
1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8
0.7 water(0.999g/cc) alkane(0.655g/cc) 0.6water(0.923g/cc) aroma(0.88g/cc) 0.5 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 200 radius (cm)
Fig. 10 Comparedcriticality according different moderators
Fig. 11 Representationofreactor model with reflectors
tor has 15% porosity where the top/bottom has only 10%. All reflectors are completely poor in uranium which repre sents the extreme unfavourable case since the lateral one is more often mineralised and is the extension matrix for the 8,22) reactor.The simulations are carried out for a 70cm thick fresh core with VUO2= 5%. For each value ofφTranging from 20 to 40% the critical radius RCis determined with and without reflectors. These calculations led to the isocriticality lines for the two cases. They are given inFig. 12. First we see that the curve saturates for low RC andthat a minimal possible RCto each isocriticality line. corresponds These two curves also highlight the influence of the reflec tors: adding reflector material endup to a significant reduction of RC(approximately 30% in the present case). In the volume approach used in this study, it has to be no tice that for the used VUO2value, the conventional U content defined like the ratio between the U mass and the dry ore mass, is ranging between 18.5 and 23.5% wgt. V. Conclusion and Perspectives
Based on MonteCarlo MCNP 5.1 code, the occurrence of criticality is studied within the framework of the natural nu clear reactor n°9 in Oklo deposit. In the first approach of a reflectorless fresh core, the ignition conditions under given realistic porosities and U concentrations are established, us ing the proposed chemical composition of the initial ore.
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