Non-trivial, static, geodesically complete, vacuum space-times with a negative cosmological constant Michael T. Anderson? Department of Mathematics S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-3651 Piotr T. Chrusciel† Albert Einstein Institute‡ D-14476 Golm, Germany Erwann Delay Departement de mathematiques Faculte des Sciences Parc de Grandmont F37200 Tours, France Abstract We construct a large class of new singularity-free static Lorentzian four- dimensional solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations with a negative cosmological constant. The new families of metrics contain space-times with, or without, black hole regions. Two uniqueness results are also established. 1 Introduction It is part of the folklore expectations in general relativity that the following statements hold for solutions of Einstein's equations, with or without a cosmo- logical constant: • Static non-singular solutions possess at least three linearly independent local Killing vector fields near each point. • Stationary non-singular solutions possess at least two linearly independent local Killing vector fields near each point. ?Partially supported by NSF Grant DMS 0072591; email †Partially supported by a Polish Research Committee grant; email . ‡Visiting Scientist. Permanent address: Departement de mathematiques, Faculte des Sci- ences, Parc de Grandmont, F37200 Tours, France email delay@gargan.
- faculte des sci
- then any connected
- any given
- infinite dimensional
- trivial static-axially symmetric
- dimensional strictly
- strictly globally static
- departement de mathematiques
- metric