JN6711870dI1 OW*7OQIDh^HHHw 3 I.s" 00feo4a ^rH 8 ,2W ^.-r03o i~s'o ^rI0?~'oij. 1oHOMCEOPATHV.THE GUINEA MEDICINE CHESTARMBRECHT NELSON & CO.,HOMOEOPATHIC AND SPECIAL CHEMISTS,3 Doors St. James* S.24 RYDER f from Street, W.)STREET,Prize Paris 1867 Prize 1835 and 1847.Medal, ; Medal, Brussels,BELGIAN FURNITURE,FOEand ModerateOf Superior Workmanship, Elegant Designs,Prices.BONTOR & COLLINS,W.185 OXFORD STREET,ADVERTISEMENTS.(Successors to the late Mr. WEBB,)Robe Makers,5y>iwK^kajtf^fT^^ggF"*To Her the &c.Majesty, Mobility, Clergy,1689.ESTABLISHED94 CREMOVED FROM 193 FLEET STREET.\N. P. LIL11ICRAPP,FUE SEAL MAKERCLOAKANDGENERALMANUFACTURING FURRIER,A choice Stock of RICH VELVET on hand trimmed withCLOAKS alwaysRICH FURS. From 15 to 290guineas guineas.SEAL SKIN CLOAKS choice in and rich in From 7 10*. toshape, quality.35 guineas.A Stock of WRAPPERS. From 2 to 40CARRIAGElarge guinea? guineas.GENTLEMEN'S FUR COATS of various kinds. From 5 to 25. SEAL SKIN VESTS. 25*.FUR GLOVES. From 15s. to 35s.SKINS DRESSED AND MOUNTED.FURS TAKEN CARE OF DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS-FURS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND EXCHANGED.CLEANED, ALTERED,W. F. X.XX.X.ICRAPP,in xrfBurner, fcg t 'jj.'&.W* % frbuttpcM &$$ah\tmnt19A DAVIES BERKELEYSTREET, SQUARE.N.B. In accordance with thenew of the Board of Works the number is nowRegulation27 DAVIES STREET.ADVERTISEMENTS.NYE Co.,NADAL, 8fof,13 levman OxfordStreet, Street, London,themselves their and& Co ...